亚松弛因子若为1则表示新值的权重为1旧值为0即完全使用新值作为下一步迭代初始值反之若亚松弛因子为0则表示新值的权重为0旧值为1即仍以上一步迭代得到的旧值作为下一步迭代的初始值 ANSYSfluent中出现Floatingpointexception的解决方法 ANSYS fluent中出现Floating point exception的解决方法 “Floating point ...
ANSYS fluent “Floating point exception”,即浮点数溢出,一般在求解器在执行某一算法时,无法进行计算而出现。例如,用某个数去除以零,或者数值超过数值边界等。通常来说,浮点数溢出也说明计算不收敛。以下是几个可以参考,用于解决浮点数溢出的方法。 使用upwind convection schemes upwind schemes引入了数值扩散,但是...
Error: floating point exception Error Object: #f Please tell me the possible solution to solve this error, its been a week but I am stuck in solving this issue, I am really in need of someone who can give guidance. Please Help. April 25, 2022 at 1:21 pm RK Ansys Employee Hello...
报错7:Error: floating point exception 1.可能是公式里的数值太夸张了,建议用计算器验算 2.operating 气压太大,导致一些物性参数溢出,可以把气压先改小再改大;或者把物性改为定值 3.可在udf对一个数值作限制,避免负数出现(尤其是所有作为商的部分)
HI. I am trying to simulate a flow through a packed bed, but just as I'm about to initialize my solutions, I get the "FLOATING POINT EXCEPTION " error message. Any help please?
| Floating point exception: Overflow | | | |
Scalability of ANSYS 14 Applications on Multi-core and Floating point Accelerator Processor Systems from Hewlett-Packard.4 CFX 6 General Comments on ANSYS CFD7 SRAs (Solution Reference Architectures) 9By Don MizeHewlett-Packard Corporation
Floating point exception error #1 hbilal1076 New Member bilal Join Date: Oct 2021 Location: pakistan Posts: 27 Rep Power:5 In Ansys fluent 2021 R2, I calculate my flow equation without UDF successfully but when I compile and load a UDF file, initialize it and when I click on calculate th...
SickOfAnsys Subscriber Recently learned how to mesh using ICEM (to a fashion), and export this mesh to FLUENT to solve. Now whenever I use these meshes in my simulation I get the error "floating point exception". This never used to happen when using the standard meshing software in workb...