第64行出现问题 在你程序中 第64行变成了 1 / 0 所以产生除0 异常
Many Microsoft run-time library functions require floating-point support from a math coprocessor or from the floating-point libraries that accompany the compiler. Floating-point support functions are loaded only if required. When you use a floating-point type specifier in the format string of a cal...
Getting more information programmatically To get more detail about the type of a floating point number, there is a function_fpclasson Windows and a corresponding functionfp_class_don Linux. I have not been able to get the corresponding Linux code to work and so I'll stick to what I've tes...
include <stdio.h> include <string.h> void main(){ extern float aver();float ave,a[10],max,min;int i;for(i=0;i<10;i++) scanf("%f",&a[i]);ave=aver(a,10,&max,&min);printf("max=%6.2f\nmin=%6.2f\n",max,min);printf("average=%6.2f\n",ave);} float a...
C 语言中文开发手册 Floating-point environment (Numerics) - C 中文开发手册 浮点环境是实现支持的一组浮点状态标志和控制模式。它是线程本地的,每个线程都从父线程继承其浮点环境的初始状态。浮点操作修改浮点状态标志以指示异常结果或辅助信息。浮点控制模式的状态会影响某些浮点运算的结果。只有当#pr...
void main(){ double source[4]={1,2.3,4.5,6.7};double destination1[4];double destination2[4];void copy_array(double x[] ,double y[],int);copy_array(source,destination1,4);void copy_ptr(double *,double *,int );copy_ptr(source,destination2,4);} void copy_array(...
C 语言中文开发手册 Floating-point environment (Numerics) - C 中文开发手册 浮点环境是实现支持的一组浮点状态标志和控制模式。它是线程本地的,每个线程都从父线程继承其浮点环境的初始状态。浮点操作修改浮点状态标志以指示异常结果或辅助信息。浮点控制模式的状态会影响某些浮点运算的结果。只有当#pragma STDC FENV...
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration - [Inductor][CPP][CPU] Fix floating point exception error during division/mod · pytorch/pytorch@f611e8c
你可以这样做 c++语言 x = new double[n];y = new double[n];或者 c语言 x = (double*)malloc(n*sizeof(double);y = (double*)malloc(n*sizeof(double);这样x、y就指向了一个数组。然后再对数组的成员赋值 最后释放空间 c++语言 delete []x;delete []y;c语言 free(x);free(y);...
在turbo c 2.0中运行下列程序,出现上述错误“Floating point error:Domain”,望高手不吝赐教,在此谢过了!下面是关于一空间桁架内力计算的编程,看不懂没关系,解释清楚问题就好,源程序如下:#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>main(){ FILE *fp; int i,j,NN,NE,NF,n,m,z[50]={0},g[20][4]={0}...