Floating offshore wind turbines: responses in a seastate pareto optimal designs and economic assessment. International Conference on Offshore Mechanics & Arctic Engineering, 6, pp.31-41.Sclavounos P, Tracy C, Lee S. Floating offshore wind turbines: responses in a seasta...
A fender system (22) for a floating structure (10) such as an off-shore platform wherein a column (18) supporting the platform has a plurality of vertically spaced rail members (24) that are interconnected by a plurality of horizontally spaced and vertically extending bumpers (56) that can...
With the green transition playing an ever-bigger role in domestic and world politics, floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) concepts have gathered a significant amount of interest due to their potential to unlock offshore wind resources from intermediate to deep waters of the ocean areas. The Te...
The effect of aircushion division on the structural loads of large floating offshore structures is described and compared with that of a rectangular barge having the same dimensions. Calculations are based on a linear three-dimensional potential method using a linear adiabatic law for the air pressu...
Offshore wind energy has gained widespread attention and experienced a rapid development due to the significantly increasing demand on the renewable energy over the last few years. Currently, development of offshore floating wind turbine attracts lots of attentions to harvest more energy from sustained...
33rd International conference on ocean, offshore and arctic engineering 2014Zamora-Rodriguez, R., Gomez-Alonso, P., Amate-Lopez, J., De-Diego-Martin, V., Dinoi, P., Simos, A. N., and Souto- Iglesias, A., 2014. "Model scale analysis of a TLP float- ing offshore wind turbine"....
Development of offshore wind energy is also a promising solution for establishing sustainable society in the country. Water depth around the country generally becomes sharply deeper with distance from the shoreline and floating platform is necessary to deploy wind turbines. This paper investigates effect...
In order to analyze the fatigue life of floating offshore wind turbines, the coupled action of wind, waves, current and blade pitch control strategy must be considered. State-of-the-art computer programs for motion analysis of moored offshore bodies, Simo-Riflex from Sintef Marintek, are ...
Recent growth in the wind industry has driven researchers and developers to consider floating offshore wind turbines. Stronger, more consistent winds, proximity to major population areas, and often more convenient manufacturing and deployment are all motivating factors behind offshore system development. ...
Offshore wind energy capitalizes on the higher and less turbulent wind speeds at sea. To enable deployment of wind turbines in deep-water locations, structures are being explored, where wind turbines are placed on a floating platform. This combined structure presents a new control problem, due ...