Floating DefinitionadjectiveBuoyed on or suspended in or as if in a fluid. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th EditionDesigned or constructed to operate smoothly and without vibration. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition...
Refer to the header file WinNT.h for the definition of this structure. Syntax C++ Copy typedef struct _WOW64_FLOATING_SAVE_AREA { DWORD ControlWord; DWORD StatusWord; DWORD TagWord; DWORD ErrorOffset; DWORD ErrorSelector; DWORD DataOffset; DWORD DataSelector; BYTE RegisterArea[WOW64_SIZE_OF...
2.1.385 Part 4 Section, docPr (Drawing Object Non-Visual Properties) 2.1.386 Part 4 Section, effectExtent (Object Extents Including Effects) 2.1.387 Part 4 Section, extent (Drawing Object Size) 2.1.388 Part 4 Section, inline (Inline DrawingML...
Microsoft Teams Presenter window floating I'm hearing impaired. When the presenter share the screen, i want to resize and float the presenter window so i can reading the lips of the presenter. Can this feature be build in future release ?
For instance, if I go on YouTube, or another site with a video, is there a way to make it so when I scroll down the page to read comments or the article, the playing video will automatically stay in view in a floating manner?
objectlock lockPartition=0 - does that mean lock partitioning is turned on? Obtain table output table variable in a dynamic tsql OFFSET FETCH is not working in SQL Sever 2012 OFFSET FETCH NOT WORKING OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" returned message "Uns...
object does not contain a definition and no extension method accepting a first argument of type object could be found Object reference not set to an instance of an object OCX in C# Only Allow 2 decimal places in a textbox. open a winform on another Display or Monitor in C# Open and Writ...
Detlef_Lewin That's floating point error, but it's not clear, at least for me, why in FREQUENCY. Equivalent formulas like =COUNTIFS($A$1:$A$30,"<="&C8,$A$1:$A$30,">"&C7) or =COUNTIFS($A$1:$A$30,"<="&C8:C14,$A$1:$A$30,">"&C7:C13) as CSE ...
Specifically: In the worksheet called 'imported series' you can find a large array of decimals defined as 2 point precision in our database which I pasted into column B. In column C I check whether they are equal to round(val,2), which evaluates as TRUE for...
c# OleDb Excel Create table syntax error in field definition c# OLEDB: How do return a excel cell reference C# pairing and connecting BLE device C# Parallel For Loop Problem - Object reference not set to an instance of an object C# Parallel-ForEach - shared state c# parse a textfile format...