If your eye floaters are mild, your eye doctor may treat them with laser treatment. They will use a special laser, like the one used for LASIK treatment, to break up the floaters so you see them less. Laser therapy may improve vision for some but not all. It also carries the risk of...
Eye floatersare spots in your vision. They may look to you like black or gray specks, strings, orcobwebs. They may drift about when you move your eyes. Floaters appear to dart away when you try to look at them directly. Most eye floaters are caused...
Sometimes, you may see small dark spots shortly after treatment. These are small gas bubbles that tend to resolve quickly. There also is a chance that you’ll have some mild discomfort, redness or blurry vision immediately after the procedure. These effects are common and typically won’t prev...
If eye floaters begin to impair your vision, there are treatments available to make them less noticeable or remove them. 1. Ignore them Sometimes the best treatment is nothing at all. In many cases, eye floaters will fade or disappear on their own. If they don’t fade, sometimes your ...
Floaters can have causes that aren’t due to any underlying disease of the eye. Thevitreous gelinside the eye that helps give the eye its shape can over time clump up causing the small specks or clouds in your line of vision. Flashes occur when the vitreous gel pulls on the retina causi...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U21bTgqiOCc 来源:YouTube,Sterling Vision Dr. Albert Edwards talks about YAG laser vitreolysis as a treatment option for floaters. He discusses the pros and cons of the procedure, as well as his personal experience in performing it. This video is a part ...
Sometimes, you may see small dark spots shortly after treatment. These are small gas bubbles that tend to resolve quickly. There also is a chance that you’ll have some mild discomfort, redness or blurry vision immediately after the procedure. These effects are common and typically won’t prev...
Albert Edwards discusses vitrectomy as a treatment option for vitreous floaters and shares his personal experience in regards to the procedure. This video is a part of "Eye Conference", a series of online lectures hosted by Dr. Albert Edwards of Oregon Retina (a division of Sterling Vision) ...
Floaters are flying flies or dots that patients sometimes see moving in their field of vision. Floaters are more obvious in bright sunlight. The Cause Floaters result from the normal aging process when vitreous fluid degenerates. The degenerated vitreous may also pull away from the retina and ...
Floaters are the common name given to things we see from time to time in our vision.1Floaters usually arise from the vitreous humor, the gel-like substance the fills the cavityinside our eye. The vitreous is firm and clear when we are young. However, as we age, the vitreous tends to ...