aAt 32 hours sedimentation period, the sinkage of float was found to be within 1 to 2 cm for T1 and T2 while the same values were observed at 48 hours for T3. 在32个小时,当同样价值被观察了在48个小时对T3时,沉积作用期间,浮游物sinkage被发现在1之内到2 cm为T1和T2。[translate]...
aThe float sinkage decreased sharply for T1 and T2 as the sedimentation period increased from 24 to 32 hours but it showed a gradual decrease under T3. 浮游物sinkage为T1和T2尖锐减少了作为从24增加的沉积作用期间到32个小时,但它显示了逐渐减退在T3之下。[translate]...
华氏和摄氏温度的转换公式为C=5/9×(F-32)。式中,C表示摄氏温度,F表示华氏温度。要求:华氏0℉~300℉,每隔20℉输出一个华氏温度对应的摄氏温度值。 代码如下,按要求在空白处填写适当的表达式或语句,使程序完整并符合题目要求。#include int main() { int upper = 300, step = 20; float fahr = 0, ...
已知华氏和摄氏温度的转换公式为C=5/9*(F-32),其中,C表示摄氏温度,F表示华氏温度。按要求在空白处填写适当的表达式或语句,使程序完整并符合题目要求。#include int main() { int fahr; float celsius; for (fahr=-40; fahr<=110; ___) { celsius = ___; printf("%4d\t%6.1f", fahr, celsius);...
int upper = 300, step = 20; float fahr = 0, celsius; while (fahr < upper) { [填空1] printf("%4.0f\t%6.1f", fahr, celsius); [填空2] } return 0; } 答案:1、celsius = 5.0 / 9 * (fahr - 32); 2、 fahr = fahr + step ;...