int main(void) { uint8_t DS18B20ID[8]; float temperature; /* 复位所有外设,初始化Flash接口和系统滴答定时器 */ HAL_Init(); /* 配置系统时钟 */ SystemClock_Config(); /* 初始化串口并配置串口中断优先级 */ MX_DEBUG_USART_Init(); HMI_USARTx_Init(); while(DS18B20_Init()) { printf("DS...
I built an arduino Uno R2 temperature datalogger using the Adafruit data logging shield, 6 ds18b20 onewire sensors (using the DallasTemperature library) and an Adafruit RGB 16 x 2 color LCD. I got a lot of help from Adafruit_support_rick on getting everything working, thanks: other who mig...