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《捉妖记》Monsters(怪物) are nothing new in Hollywood flms. We have seen them in theShrek((怪物史莱克))series and Monsters Unitersity((怪兽大学)). In China,there is 1 popular monster film-Monster Hunt((捉妖记)). In 2015, the film2 many people and broke the box office record in ...
ym = icon; xt=1/2*(erf(-sqrt(2/log(2))*pi*B*(ym/ipoint-1/2)/tr)+erf(sqrt(2/log(2))*pi*B*(ym/ipoint+1/2)/tr)); if ncc == 0 % in the caseof receiver xh( i ) = xt ; elseif ncc == 1 % in the caseof transmitter xh( i ) = xt; else error('ncc error')...
Comment? Please sign in to reply.reesebitterspoon is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. Join here. Show reesebitterspoon’s activity Sign in to log, rate or review Share this review reesebitterspoon’s films Remove Ads...
(log2(fs)); s1 = s_k_j(1:windowLen); s2 = x_k_j(1:windowLen); S1 = abs(fft(s1)); S2 = abs(fft(s2)); x_f = 0:fs/windowLen:fs-fs/windowLen; subplot(211);plot(x_f(1:windowLen/2),S1(1:windowLen/2));xlabel('频率');ylabel('幅值');title('滤波后参考信号频谱')...