上周我闲来无事做FT Old Fogey的时候又看了一遍这个教程,才觉得此教程逻辑紧密,言简意赅,把玩航模做航模入门可能遇到的问题和一些基本的原理,如空气动力学、动力组件的匹配,全都给cover到了。而且视频的形式接受起来也比较快。唯一的缺点是FT在美国,用来演示的一些配件不是国内常用的牌子。不过总的来说,这是我...
Old Fogey Build From Coroplast and EPS Foam 0 Meet Flite Test About Us Privacy Policy Terms of Use Advertising & Sponsorships EDGEWATER AIRPARK FLITE FEST STEM / EDUCATION FT GROUPS Need Help? Support Contact Us Build Plans Beginner Series Safety Guidelines Connect With Us Subscribe By joining...
Recently I’ve found a new windy-day plane – my modified Old Fogey. Here it is in action. My CG is 10-15mm forward of the plan CG, I’ve a modified tail, double elastics on the wing and it’s a 1400KV 14A motor driving a 9x3.8 prop. It still floats along in lighter winds b...
When water gets on your untreated foam board it soaks in and can warp and wrinkle the paper surface. All of the foam board andspeed build planesthat you see on Flite Test are treated with Minwax and it's worked out great and our planes hold up even better. We'd love to hear your t...
It was time for a change. Buick had to do something surprising to shrug off its old-fogey reputation. The company decided to launch an integrated marketing campaign centered around the ‘That’s a Buick?’ theme. These self-deprecating ads poked a little fun on Buick’s image. The ads sh...
Old Fogey Coupé Dropped the wing removed some of the lower fuse that was damaged in a bad landing. Lost 50 grams in the process and the wheels which are no good at our field. The angle of incidence remains the same as the plans. I'm hoping the lowering of the wing relative to the...
Now the tail feathers, I used the specific shape of the spook and joined it Flitetest style. The rest just went together as you would the Fogey and Speedster. I did sand the body a little along the back because I cut sloppy and and it seemed too high going back to the tail. I use...
I made an Old Fogey from Quill FB to learn how to make and fly RC planes but it just wouldn't fly. Out of the hand and into the ground 10m away, too heavy for the 24g motor even with extreme weight saving measures. Tried a more powerful motor but it was uncontrollable. ...
I put the brace that the old fogey used for servos in there to hold the power pod in place and I used it to mount my receiver since on the right side I put a battery hatch on the side and i put the battery on the inside and not mounted to the bottom. I did that cause I pla...
http://forum.flitetest.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24556&d=1401714384 Log In to reply oneiwily on June 5, 2014 can you please post the plans for this , or at least some measurements. it looks like nice plane that I can use to teach my son, mainly because the FT-flyer is dea...