ADAS Dataset v2.0.0 (January 19, 2022) Expanded labels to 15 categories vs 5 original categories. Expanded annotated frames to 26,442 total (9,233 visible-spectrum images, 9,711 thermal-spectrum and 7,498 matched thermal/visible video frames), an+83% increasecompared to the v1 release. ...
2. Filter the dataset down to images with people. TMP_FLIR_ADAS_DIR="/tmp/$FLIR_ADAS_DIR" TRAIN_CSV="train-people.csv" VAL_CSV="val-people.csv" VIDEO_CSV="video-people.csv" python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt python \ --input...
FLIR_ADAS 红外图像用于人体检测 A Alexwang GPL 2 计算机视觉 0 11 2022-09-30 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 FLIR_ADAS.tar.gz FLIR_ADAS.tar.gz (1548.99M) 下载 File Name Size Update Time 下载查看更多关于AI Studio AI Studio是基于百度深度学习平台飞桨的人工智能学习与实训社区,提供在...
FLIR:Download theThermal FLIRandVisible FLIRdataset. Models Pre-trained Models In our experiments, we used two pre-trained models on ImageNet, i.e. ResNet50. Please download the model from: ResNet50:Dropbox,VT Server Download and make the model indata/pretrained_model/. ...