FLIR Systems, Inc., designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes technologies that enhance perception and awareness. The Company brings innovative sensing solutions into daily life through its thermal imaging systems, visible-light imaging systems, locator systems, measurement and diagnostic s...
SiteCompanyACompanyBLocationSubstationAObjectEngineVent #T810190;r.AN/48314/48366;zh-CN78 18为图像添加注释 18.4添加语音注释 18.4.1一般 语音注释是保存到红外图像文件中的录音。录音可在热像仪以及FLIRSystems中的图像 分析和报告软件中进行回放。 语音注释是使用内置麦克风进行录制的。您也可使用启用了Bluetooth...
FLIR Systems, Inc 000 ( 0 Items. TG165 Imaging IR Thermometer. Test and Measurement Instruments. Refurbished and Open Box Cameras. Limited Edition Thermal Imager. Contact Sales and Support. Payment and Billing Info. About FLIR Systems and Our Products. Deals of the Day:. T420sc Benchtop Test...
Founded in 1978, FLIR Systems is a world-leading industrial technology company focused on intelligent sensing solutions for defense, industrial and commercial applications. FLIR Systems’ vision is to be "The World's Sixth Sense", creating technologies to help professionals make more informed decisions...
FLIR ONE 系列用户手册说明书 User’s manual FLIR ONE series Distributed by:
7.20 About The About menu option provides information about the FLIR ONE camera, the FLIR ONE app, our company FLIR Systems, Inc., and additional legal, licensing, and regulatory information. #T810375; r. AA/51295/51327; en-US 17 8 Cleaning the camera 8.1 Camera housing, cables, and ...
ARMASIGHT by FLIR MSI 8000 手册说明书 ARMASIGHT by FLIR MSI8000® Universal Long-Range Flashlight U S E R M A N U A L
FLIR Systems Launches ThermaTrak ›Reliability.AITM You can ask "R.A.I." anything about maintenance, reliability, and asset management.Start tales from the shop So What? Brendon Russ A week after the plant started up after an annual planned outage, an injection pump motor failed. The ...
1.1LegaldisclaimerFLIRSystemsiscommittedtoapolicyofcontinuousdevelopment;therefore wereservetherighttomakechangesandimprovementsonanyoftheprod- AllproductsmanufacturedbyFLIRSystemsarewarrantedagainstdefectiveuctswithoutpriornotice. materialsandworkmanshipforaperiodofone(1)yearfromthedeliverydate oftheoriginalpurchase,provided...
The experiment was performed using a top-read thermal-imaging apparatus fitted with a quantum well (QWIP) infrared radiometer from FLIR Systems. The figure shows thermal images of two plates containing a fluid that evaporates when in contact with dry ambient air. Here, relative temperature is ...