The FLIR ONE Pro gives you the power to find invisible problems faster than ever. Combining a higher-resolution thermal sensor able to measure temperatures up to 400 °C (752 °F)with powerful measurement tools and report generation capability, the FLIR ONE Pro will work as hard as you do....
FLIR ONE Pro 说明书 USER GUIDE Third Generation For Android and iOS
不论是检查电气面板还是查找暖通空调或水损问题,FLIR ONE PRO都能帮忙您快速可视化问题。FLIR ONE Pro的热分辨率增加4倍,采用VividIR™图像处理技术,使您能够看到更多重要细节。测量温度比其他任何一个的FLIR ONE型号高出3倍以上,最高测量温度高度400°C,热灵敏度可检测到70mk的温差。
the FLIR ONE Pro is built to withstand the rigors of daily use. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to carry, ensuring that thermal imaging is always at your fingertips. The camera's robust construction and smart power management system ensure that it can withstand the demand...
documented in user manual at the time gen2 was sold and was one of essential features for me. When gen3 was released, this feature got removed for gen2 with the app update and is available only if you use gen3 pro camera. The only solution offered by support was “buy next gen ...
FLIR ONE 系列用户手册说明书 User’s manual FLIR ONE series Distributed by:
FLIR ONE 第三代用户指南说明书 GUÍA DE USUARIO Tercera generación Para iOS
2.Manualimageadjustmodeisnowactive,andthestatusiconisdisplayed.Forim- ageadjustmentinstructions,see14.5Adjustinganinfraredimage,page39. 3.Toedittheimage,pushthejoystick.Thisdisplaysacontextmenu.Foreditinginstruc- tions,see14.4Editingasavedimage,page39. 4.Dooneofthefollowing: •Tosavetheimage,pushtheAutof...
调焦Continuous with laser distance meter (LDM), one- shot LDM, one-shot contrast, manual 帧频[全窗口]30 Hz 图库Yes 全球定位系统[GPS]Location data automatically added to every still image and first frame in video from built-in GPS 图像调节•Automatic•Automatic maximum•Automatic minimum•...
I purchased the FLIR One Gen 3 to use with this app after reviewing a digital manual of the device which included very important features for IR Scale and Lock Span. Neither of these features seem to be available for this device when using the app, even though the manual clearly mentions ...