GF320 Infrared Camera - FLIR Systems, Inc., Advanced Thermal Solutions Div.About Us
FLIR GF306 Infrared CameraFLIR GF306能够在不断开高压设备电源或停止作业的情况下显示并准确找到SF6和氨气的泄漏点。 这款便携式热像仪能够在安全距离以外检测泄漏,大大保证了操作人员的安全,此外,其还能够对危害环境的气体进行跟踪,具有环保效益。 在电力行业中,将SF6作为绝缘气体和淬火介质用于气体绝缘变电站和断路...
Here is a high-end camera that can be used for gas leak detection. The FLIR GF320 Infrared Camera visualizes gas leaks in real time. It has GPS data added and lets you trace leaks to source and spot them from meters away. The device can detect Propane, Propylene, Methanol, Ethanol, H...