FLIR Exx-Series™Vibrant, 4” optically-bonded PCAP touchscreen Scratch-resistant Dragontrail TM cover glass E75 | E85 | E95 The Best Lenses Need the Best Autofocus FLIR took its cue from the digital camera industry when re-engineering the Exx-Series focus system. Whether you choose autofocus...
FLIR Exx-Series 热成像相机产品说明
The FLIR Exx-Series is designed to be lightweight and portable, equipped with MSX? and auto orientation. It is extensively used for electrical and mechanical system inspections, and predictive maintenance in a wide range of fields. FLIR Exx系列设计为轻量级和便携式,配备MSX?和自动定位。它广泛应用...
全新FLIR Exx系列 电气/机械/建筑应用高端红外热像仪 全新FLIR Exx系列高级红外热像仪具有优异的分辨率与测量性能, 能快 速识 别热点,发现配电 与机 械系 统中潜在的故障点.全新 E x x 系列高达640×480像素分辨率,更大,更清晰的液晶显示屏,诊断问 题比以往更简单,即便距离较远也有同样良好的检测效果.借助...
FLIR Exx-Series通过以下多种方式确保测温准确性和图像质量:一、测温准确性 1、先进的传感器技术:- FLIR Exx-Series配备了高灵敏度的红外传感器,能够捕捉微小的温度变化,从而提高测
FLIR Exx-Series高级热成像相机说明书 Increase Plant Safety The Exx-Series cameras will help you diagnose and report electrical and mechanical failures before they lead to fires or explosions Improve Plant Reliability Equipment failures are costly and can impact on-time delivery, so it’s important to...
FLIR Exx-Series 高分辨率热成像相机产品说明书
新型Exx系列热像仪从即日起通过授权经销商和FLIR.com在全球出售。如需了解有关FLIR Systems的整个Exx系列产品线的更多信息,请访问。 2021年3月31日之前,购买Exx系列热像仪的客户将获得为期三个月的免费Thermal Studio Pro和Route Creator试用包。FLIR Thermal Studio Suite还通过按年订阅提...
新型Exx系列热像仪从即日起通过授权经销商和FLIR.com在全球出售。如需了解有关FLIR Systems的整个Exx系列产品线的更多信息,请访问。 2021年3月31日之前,购买Exx系列热像仪的客户将获得为期三个月的免费Thermal Studio Pro和Route Creator试用包。FLIR Thermal Studio Suite还通过按年订阅提...
FLIR Exx-Series For hardworking professionals in predictive maintenance, electrical, and building inspection, the most valuable tools are the ones that increase work efficiency and help them identify potential problems before they lead to expensive repairs. The FLIR E76, E86 and E96 offers a range ...