Do you want to go for common cars worth between $2000 – $4000 like Honda, Toyota or Luxurious cars like BMW, Mercedes worth over $40,000? Luxurious cars can take some time to sell but the profit margins are very high with fewer buyers. However, low end cars have regular customers and...
long time ago. And when we were doing that car the more work we did on it the more rot, if you like, or rust that we found with it. And so probably about halfway through we worked out that it was pretty clear it was never really likely to make it back on the road. And we t...
Many states in the US haveregulations on how many cars one person can ownin one year. For example, if your goal is to flip 10 cars in one year but your state limits you to owning 5, you might want to think about putting a few cars in your friend or spouse’s name. Just make su...
I got on the real estate investment train and rode it down Success Line. Collected houses and properties, made a bunch of cash, then lost it all when the economy crash hit me like a midnight express coming from the opposite direction. Bam. All of my cars blew off the tracks and I was...
“The theory is it’s more likely that those people are willing to sell their property than somebody who doesn’t owe back taxes and lives in the same county where the property is located,” Roberto explained. Contacting Land Owners