WiFi Marauder companion app for Flipper Zero Requires a connected dev board running Marauder FW. See install instructions from UberGuidoZ here. Get the app Make sure you're logged in with a github account (otherwise the downloads in step 2 won't work) Navigate to the FAP Build GitHub actio...
To follow this tutorial, you'll need a Flipper Zero with aWi-Fi boardthat'scompatible with Marauder, a custom firmware for the board. I'm using the official Flipper Zero Wi-Fi dev board, but there are others that are compatible with this too. I usedFZEE Flasherto install Marauder on m...
Flipper Zero Wi-Fi Development Board CMSIS-DAP compatible: Raspberry Pi Debug Probe and etc... ST-Link (v2, v3, v3mods) J-Link Flipper Build System will take care of all the other dependencies. Cloning source code Make sure you have enough space and clone the source code: ...
The Flipper Zero supports GPIO pins at the top, allowing for physical hardware expansions that give it additional functionality. These can be basically anything, and the company sells official expansions that you can attach to it as well. One that I picked up is the Wi-Fi dev board, which ...
Gameboy-camera style (low res 128x64 bmp) with preview on the Flipper Zero Nanny cam (remote WiFi AP access to the camera stream) Morse flasher (use the flashlight to transmit morse) QR code reader Motion detection External radio (w/CC1101 module) Depen...
更新flipper zero教程进阶版的来啦(香港中文版),共20集课程的进阶和补充,里面有各种有趣玩法,实战内容.(附送汉化固件)第1集:Flipper Zero入門超基礎功能介紹及簡介(中文廣東話版本)第2集:Flipper Zero官方系統安裝及界面操作介紹(中文廣東話版本) 第3集:Flipper z
[FL-3776] Freedom_2_dolphins animation added by @Astrrra inhttps://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/pull/3521 [FL-3151] WiFi dev board developer documentation update by @Astrrra inhttps://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/pull/3520 ...
[FL-3729] GUI: Unicode support, new canvas API by @skotopes in https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/pull/3322 [FL-3776] Freedom_2_dolphins animation added by @Astrrra in https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/pull/3521 [FL-3151] WiFi dev board develope...
Welcome to the Flipper Zero Unleashed Firmware repo! This firmware is a fork fromflipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware Most stable custom firmware focused on new features and improvements of original firmware components, with almost no UI changes ...
Flipper Zero Evil Portal An evil captive portal Wi-Fi access point using the Flipper Zero and Wi-Fi dev board About This project is a work in progress. This project will turn your Wi-Fi dev board into an open access point. When users try to connect to this access point they will be ...