我们将通过修改负责蓝牙功能的特定文件来更新Flipper Zero,然后编译并应用固件更新。 首先要先下载官方框架代码 git clone https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware.git 举个例子,我们这里使用Apple AirTag(代码已更新GitHub) https://github.com/h0e4a0r1t/FlipperZero_Annoying_Apple/ gap.c文件在这个...
flipperusbusb-hostusb-hidflipperzeroflipper-zeromax3421eflipper0 UpdatedMay 27, 2024 C Ducky script for Flipper Zero which will Crash any iOS with Bluetooth Spam iosbluetoothios-crashflipperzeroflipper-zeroflipper0flipper-zero-payloadflipper0-iosble-crashble-crash-ios ...
我们将通过修改负责蓝牙功能的特定文件来更新 Flipper Zero,然后编译并应用固件更新。 首先要先下载官方框架代码 git clone https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware.git 举个例子,我们这里使用 Apple AirTag(代码已更新GitHub) https://github.com/h0e4a0r1t/FlipperZero_Annoying_Apple/ gap.c 文件...
Flipper Zero SW&HW keynote(outdated) Hardware & software architecture document. 🆕 Want to make changes? ✨ You canEdit this fileand open a Pull Request, orStart a discussionwith your ideas. Read theMeta FAQ sectionfor more info.
git clone https://github.com/facebook/flipper.git cd flipper/desktop yarn yarn start NOTE: If you're on Windows, you need to use Yarn 1.5.1 until this issue is resolved. Building standalone application Provide either --mac, --win, --linux or any combination of them to yarn build to...
Awesome Flipper - GitHub - djsime1/awesome-flipperzero: 🐬 A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device. Raccolta gestita dalla community internazionale contenente link utili, tutorial, informazioni e comparazioni sui firmware e tanto altro ancora.About...
Quick Action Remote Control for Flipperzero Latest Version: 0.7.0 This app allows you to organize previously recorded signals, of any type*, so that you can quickly and easily play them back. No more needing to recall whether that door is Sub-GHz or RFID! Just navigate to that action inQ...
Flipper Zero: BadUSB Scripts My scripts for the Flipper Zero BadUSB This repository contains a set of scripts made for the BadUSB/BadKB feature on Flipper Zero. They are compatible with any device that supports Ducky Script. The scripts included vary from harmless pranks to more malicious red...
UberGuidoZ Playground - Large collection of files - GithubAbout Big plugins pack built for latest flipper firmware (builds in releases for UL only) Topics flipper plugins flipper-plugins faps flipperzero flipper-zero flipper-zero-firmware Resources Readme License GPL-3.0 license Activity ...
更新完成以后在Appliations -> Bluetooth -> Apple BLE Spam 打开以后有多种苹果系列产品的BLE 左右键切换苹果产品BLE,上下键调发包时间间隔 方便又快捷 参考链接 https://github.com/ECTO-1A/AppleJuice https://techcrunch.com/2023/08/14/researcher-says-they-were-behind-iphone-popups-at-def-con/https:...