PyFlipper是一款功能强大的Flipper Zero命令行接口封装器,该工具基于纯Python开发,因此具备良好的跨平台特性。 Flipper Zero介绍 Flipper Zero是一种类似于Tamagotchi的小工具,Flipper Zero是开源的并可自定义的,您可以插入其他硬件以获取更多帮助。您可以通过蓝牙将其连接到手机或其他设备,也可以插入MicroSD卡以扩展存储并...
Flipper Zero Official Website. A simple way to explain to your friends what Flipper Zero can do. Flipper Zero Firmware Update. Improvements for your dolphin: latest firmware releases, upgrade tools for PC and mobile devices. User Documentation. Learn more about your dolphin: specs, usage guides...
Experimenting with app development for flipper zero. Apps NB. These apps are in development - and will be marked complete when ready. AppDescriptionState resistorsColoured band resistance calculator.In development Build tools These apps are built usingufbt- a subset of the flipper build tool (fbt...
NFC: crash when saving manually added cards after reading MFC fixed by @gornekich in Direct Draw apps streaming via RPC added by @DrZlo13 in ...
NFC: fix crash on save manually added cards by @gornekich in Direct Draw apps can now be streamed via RPC. by @DrZlo13 in FuriHal: various GPIO improvements ...
Flipper Zero is a portable multi-tool for geeks in a toy-like body. This app helps to manage your data on the device, organize keys and share them with other Fl…
PyFlipper是一款功能强大的Flipper Zero命令行接口封装器,该工具基于纯Python开发,因此具备良好的跨平台特性。 Flipper Zero介绍 Flipper Zero是一种类似于Tamagotchi的小工具,Flipper Zero是开源的并可自定义的,您可以插入其他硬件以获取更多帮助。您可以通过蓝牙将其连接到手机或其他设备,也可以插入MicroSD卡以扩展存储并...
玩转Flipper Zero:RFID全功能介绍 RFID detector 在开启 NFC 和 RFID 这一系列之前,先插播一个在 APPs 文件夹 -> Tools 文件夹中的 APP:RFID detector,它可以探测读卡器的频率,来判断是低频卡还是高频卡 当我们使用 pm3 命令:lf search进行低频卡探测时把 flipper 贴上去就会看到,当前是 125KHz 的低频卡读卡器...
The Flipper Zero is a Swiss Army knife of antennas And it has a vibrant community that develops and shares new capabilities for it, which are now much easier to find. It’s not that it’s beenhardto add apps and features to the Flipper; it’s mostly been a matter offinding stuff on...
The Flipper Zero is an easy-to-use Swiss Army Knife of a hacking tool, and a new app store expands its capabilities. From a Geiger counter to Snake, I installed some apps on my Flipper to check it out.