Also note that theHackRF Oneisn't a replacement for the Flipper Zero, but a tool that allows you to explore the radio side deeper. The Flipper Zero is still a fantastic tool for playing with NFC and RFID, and for acting as an infrared remote....
FlipperZero-TouchTunesDumps of TouchTune's remote. T119 bruteforcerTriggers Retekess T119 restaurant pagers. flipperzero-bruteforceGenerate .sub files to brute force Sub-GHz OOK. Flipperzero-Concert-BraceletsSub-GHz file to trigger event LED bracelets. ...
$ git clone --recursive $cdflipperzero-firmware-wPlugins/ $ ./fbt updater_package#FAPS placed at assets/resources/apps on BUILD#Install this folder on your flipper dist/f7-C/f7-update-RM420FAP#If building animat...
flipperdevices / flipperzero-firmware Public Notifications Fork 2.5k Star 11.3k Code Issues 119 Pull requests 31 Actions Security Insights New issue Add camera control mode to bluetooth remote app. #2336 Closed LoganMD wants to merge 0 commits into flipperdevices:dev from LoganMD:dev ...