The meaning of FLIP (SOMEONE) THE BIRD is to make an offensive gesture at (someone) by pointing the middle finger upward while keeping the other fingers folded down. How to use flip (someone) the bird in a sentence.
The first known use of flip was in 1616 See more words from the same year Phrases Containing flip flip burgers flip chart flip-flop flip off flip one's lid flip one's wig flip open flip out flip phone flip side flip (someone) the bird on the flip side the other...
flip (someone) the bird, Slang. give (someone) the finger. flip one's lid / wig, Slang. lid ( def 8 ).Discover More Example Sentences "If restrictions are lifted too early, they can risk an overpopulated airspace, while on the flip side, restrictions remaining in place longer than th...
to toss or put in motion with a sudden impulse, as with a snap of a finger and thumb, especially so as to cause to turn over in the air: to flip a coin. to move (something) suddenly or jerkily. to turn over, especially with a short rapid gesture: ...
(Computer Science) an organization in the air-transport industry Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 aero- a combining form meaning “air”:aerodynamics. ...
1.a somersault, esp one performed in the air, as in a dive, rather than from a standing position 2.same asnog Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 FLIP [flip] (naval architecture) floating instrument platform ...
Crossbone Skully "Flip The Bird": I'm a son of a dog That's what I am I bark and bite The best of them Gonna fight ya Gonna bite ya D...
flip somebody ↔ off meaning, definition, what is flip somebody ↔ off: to make a rude sign at someone by liftin...: Learn more.
flip you the bird flip your lid Flip Your Wig Flip-Chart Flip-chip Flip-Chip Ball Grid Array Flip-Chip Chip Scale Package Flip-Chip Land Grid Array flip-flap flip-flop Flip-flop (electronics) Flip-flop (footwear) Flip-flop (footwear) Flip-flop (politics) flip-flop amplifier flip-flop ci...
1590s "to fillip, to toss with the thumb," imitative, or perhaps a thinned form offlap, or else a contraction offillip(q.v.), which also is held to be imitative. Meaning "toss as though with the thumb" is from 1610s. Meaning "to flip a coin" (to decide something) is by 1879...