8、 (CQ),thold: 保持时间,tsetup: 建立时间,44,触发器的特性方程,SR锁存器,JK触发器,T触发器,D触发器,45,状态转移图(State Diagram),用来描述电路状态,也可以对现实世界中任何有状态的事物进行建模 列举出该事物所有可能的状态,每个状态用一个圈表示 状态之间可以相互转换。状态转换用带箭头的弧线表示。 在...
Lecture6:Edge-triggeredFlip-Flop,StateTable,StateDiagram SoonTeeTeohCS147 Edge-triggeredFlip-Flop •ContrasttoPulse-triggeredSRFlip-Flop –Pulse-triggered:Readinputwhileclockis1,changeoutputwhentheclockgoesto0.WhathappensduringtheentireHIGHpartofclockcanaffecteventualoutput.•Edge-triggered:Readinputonlyon...
(CQ) thold: 保持时间 tsetup: 建立时间 sunwq@sjtu.edu.cn * 触发器的特性方程 SR锁存器 JK触发器 T触发器 D触发器 sunwq@sjtu.edu.cn * 状态转移图(State Diagram) 用来描述电路状态,也可以对现实世界中任何有状态的事物进行建模 列举出该事物所有可能的状态,每个状态用一个圈表示 状态之间可以相互转换...
The effect on the metastability of the mismatch of FET parameters\nand load capacitances in a CMOS latch/flip-flop is analyzed. A novel\nmethod using state diagrams is proposed. On the state diagrams obtained\nby transient analysis of the latch, a straight line can be approximately\ndrawn ...
触发器逻辑功能使用以下5种方法:特性表、特性方程(Characteristic Equation)、状态转换图(State Diagram)、驱动表、波形图,也称时序图(Wave Form)来描述。 (1)特性表。 (2)特性方程。 表示触发器的次态Q n+1与现态Q n及输入信号之间关系的逻辑表达式,称为触发器的特性方程,也称为特征方程或次态(状态)方程。
What is a Flip-Flop? A flip-flop is a circuit that can be switched between two stable states, and can store state information within the physical circuit. The circuit's state can be changed as the result of a signal applied to a control input process. This input process can consist of...
Secondly, instead of the case where both inputs are active being illegal, it causes the state to toggle. Set and Clear It's common for a flip-flop to have a way to set Q to either high or low independent of all other inputs. Set will make Q high (and /Q low) regardless of wha...
触发器flopflip概述复位端信号 4 4.1Flip-Flop 4.2RS 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 . 4.1Flip-Flop 触发器(Flip-Flop),简称FF是构成数字系统的基本逻辑单元电路之一。 触发器具有如下基本特性: (1)具有两个稳定状态,分别表示二值逻辑(或二进制数)0、1; (2)具有触发翻转特性,在输入信号的作用下,两个稳定状态之间可以相互...
Universalshiftregister.(a)Logicdiagram.(b)Modecontrol.(c)Symbol.Figure6.29 Flip-FlopApplications Counters Counters AlsocalledpatterngeneratorsFunction:produceaspecifiedoutputpatternsequenceTypesofcounters Binaryripplecounters(asynchronouscounters)Synchronouscounters Statediagramofacounter.Figure6.30 BinaryRippleCounters...