Flippity provides you with a Google sheets template that you can customize with your own content. At the bottom of the sheet, you access another tab that contains the link that you can use to preview your activity. The activity can then be accessed through the link and the link can be s...
CategoryPageItemTemplate CCTProject CD CDDrive CellFormula CenterHorizontally CenterVertically Сертификат CertificateError CertificateWarning CFile ChangePassword; Наборизменений ChangesetGroup ChangesetMergeAcross ChangesetMergeDown ChangesetMergeUp ChangeSourceControl ChartFilter ChartWi...
With digital flipbook maker Pro version, you can enrich page flip book content with link, line, shape, callout, text, image, GIF, music, local video, YouTube video, Vimeo video, chart, button and number icon. Add new flip pages, delete unwanted pages or change flipbook page order. To ...
_Chart _Global _IOLEObject _IQueryTable _OLEObject _QueryTable _Workbook _Worksheet AboveAverage Action Actions AddIn AddIns AddIns2 Adjustments AllowEditRange AllowEditRanges AppEvents AppEvents_AfterCalculateEventHandler AppEvents_Event AppEvents_NewWorkbookEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowActivat...
EnvironmentTemplate Ластик ErrorBarChart ErrorSquiggleActive ErrorSquiggleCriticalActive ErrorSquiggleCriticalInactive ErrorSquiggleInactive ErrorSummary EvenColumns EvenRows Событие EventError EventFilter EventInternal EventLog EventLogFailureAudit EventLogSuccessAudit EventMissing EventPrivate EventPro...
_Chart _Global _IOLEObject _IQueryTable _OLEObject _QueryTable _Workbook _Worksheet AboveAverage Action Actions AddIn AddIns AddIns2 Adjustments AllowEditRange AllowEditRanges AppEvents AppEvents_AfterCalculateEventHandler AppEvents_Event AppEvents_NewWorkbookEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowActivat...
I’ve created a Name Picker for my math class and for my homeroom. You can see from the header below (click to enlarge) that there are many ways to group, as well as the ability to create a seating chart. Individualizing spelling lists ...
Free and beautiful Vue.js admin template with 44+ custom UI components. Developed by Epicmax. Designed by Vasili Savitski Based on Vuestic UI library. Light theme demo | Semi-dark theme demo | Original theme demo | Vuestic UI documentation Vuestic Admin is built with Vuestic UI. See...
target) .filter('.chart') .chart({ animate: true }) ; }); lazyloaded: After the image is fully loaded lazysizes dispatches a lazyloaded event. While this often duplicates the native load event it is often more convenient to use. lazybeforesizes: This event will be fired on...
TickStickChart CanvasElement CaptionTag CaptureFrame 浮動切換 CascadingDropDown CaseLookupColumn CaseTable CaseTableColumn CatalogZone CategorizedView CategoryAxis CategoryPageItemTemplate CCTProject CD CDDrive CellFormula CenterHorizontally CenterVertically 憑證 憑證錯誤 CertificateWarning CFile ChangePassword 變更集...