function table.flip(theTable) assert(type(theTable) == "table", "Bad argument @ 'table.flip' [Expected table at argument 1, got "..(type(theTable)).."]") local newTable = {} for i = 1, #theTable do newTable[i] = theTable[#theTable-(i-1)] end return newTable endAuthor...
Drag-to-dismiss effect for images in a page transition Supported Not supported Table of contents extended_image Table of contents Import Cache Network Simple use Use ExtendedNetworkImageProvider Load State demo code Zoom Pan double tap animation Editor crop aspect ratio crop layer painter fli...
Publications Create a Collage and Share Create a Collage and ShareTable of Contents Spreads to preview Title Logo Change Background Background Color You can transform your publications into collages for sharing, creating a more visually striking presentation. Well-designed collages can strengthen a ...
- Create table of the flipping book in Bookmark panel. The most important feature of a flip digital album is that it shows like a real book on hands. Pages can be flipped easily with dragging or clicking your mouse. This real page flipping effect gives people a fresh feeling. This amaz...
Draw an ASCII Table Quickly draw a 7-bit or extended 8-bit ASCII table. Generate ASCII Character Set Quickly generate 7-bit or extended 8-bit ASCII symbols. Generate Random ASCII Quickly generate random ASCII characters. Convert Text to ASCII Art Quickly draw ASCII art from the given ...
TableColumn TableColumns TableRow TableRows TableShape Text TextCharacters TextColumns TextFrame TextFrames TextLines TextParagraphs TextRange TextRanges TextTabPosition TextTabPositions TextureFill TextureFillProperties TextureFillProperty TextWords TGAExport ToolShape ToolShape...
tableValues target targetX targetY textLength title to transform type values viewBox width x x1 x2 xChannelSelector y y1 y2 yChannelSelector z zoomAndPan Elements a animate animateMotion animateTransform circle clipPath defs desc discard ellipse feBlend feColorMatrix feComponentTransfer feComposite ...
A powerful official extension library of image, which support placeholder(loading)/ failed state, cache network, zoom pan image, photo view, slide out page, editor(crop,rotate,flip), paint custom etc. Table of contents extended_image Table of contents Cache Network Simple use Use Extendednetw...
Determines the flip that is applied to the exported image when you call theExportmethod of theMaster,Page,Selection, orShapeobject to export the specified object to a BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, or TIFF file. Read/write. Syntax expression.RasterExportFlip ...
Drag-to-dismiss effect for images in a page transition Supported Not supported Table of contents extended_image Table of contents Import Cache Network Simple use Use ExtendedNetworkImageProvider Load State demo code Zoom Pan double tap animation Editor crop aspect ratio crop layer painter fli...