Flint knapping, which is the shaping of flint or other fracturing stone to manufacture tools, was one of the primary skills used for survival by our prehistoric ancestors. Early mankind once made and used these implements on a daily basis to hunt, prepare food and clothing, to farm, make ...
Flintknapping is an ancient craft enjoying a resurgence of interest among both amateur and professional students of prehistoric cultures. In this new guide, John C. Whittaker offers the most detailed handbook on flintknapping currently available and the only one written from the archaeological perspec...
Even though flint knapping was a neccesity in early Native American lives, I believe that they considered it an art form and took great pride in their work. I too have approached it as an art form. For this reason, every blade is painstakingly matched to the appropriate antler. I am a...
I have been knapping off and on for 22 years.I do mostly flint ridge material, ca... Joel A Smith Updated On:Dec 08, 2020 Total items:118 My name is Joel Smith, I've been knapping for a few years now, and strive with ev... ...
Flint Knapping Abstract TO fashion a flint implement both knowledge of the tricks of the trade and skill in execution are required. Watching the flint knappers at Brandon can teach the student many a 'wrinkle', but any attempt to do likewise soon demonstrates the overriding importance of long...
Flint Knap-in Events Helpful articles Our Products Have Moved To A New Site!To Purchase Our Knapping Supplies, Please Click On This LinkIsaiah 55:6 Flintknapping Kits Instructional Media Copper Billets & Spalling Hammers Copper Nails, Diamond Grinders, Copper Rods & More!
Flintknapping Supplies, LLC Keokuk Spalls (10lbs) $48.00 Flintknapping Supplies, LLC Whole Dacite Obsidian (20lbs) $74.00 Flintknapping Supplies, LLC 6" Basic Pressure Flaker $14.00 Add to cart Flintknapping Supplies, LLC Coarse Abrading Stone 4"x2"x1' 20grit ...
Flint KnappingFlintknapping is the technique of making tools, knives, arrowheads, spear heads, and other similar things from certain types of stone. The best stones to use for this are obsidian, flint, chert, and other similar types of stone.Some...
I have been knapping off and on for 22 years.I do mostly flint ridge material, ca... Joel A Smith Updated On:Dec 08, 2020 Total items:118 My name is Joel Smith, I've been knapping for a few years now, and strive with ev... ...
clock were made with a single strike of the baton. The next four points clockwise are either uni-facially or bi-facially knapped. They were made from the flattest of the prismatic blades struck from the core at the center. The core has some usable material left. It is a handy size ...