flink-table-planner:planner 计划器,是 table API 最主要的部分,提供了运行时环境和生成程序执行计划...
Flink : Table : Planner This module connects Table/SQL API and runtime. It is responsible for translating and optimizing a table program into a Flink pipeline. The module can access all resources that are required during pre-flight and runtime phase for planning. ...
This is a preparation for supporting PTFs in the planner. Since we also want to support PTFs taking multiple tables and the table argument might be optional or at a different signature location, making table arguments explicit in the call avoids complexity. Furthermore, multiple table require mult...
Enable the config optionexecution.batch.job-recovery.enabledand check whether adaptive join optimization is disabled. Does this pull request potentially affect one of the following parts: Dependencies (does it add or upgrade a dependency): (no) The public API, i.e., is any changed class annotat...
在Apache Flink中遇到org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: Could not instantiate the executor. Make sure a planner module is on the classpath这个错误时,通常意味着你的项目中缺少了必要的规划器(Planner)模块,或者相关依赖没有正确配置。以下是一些解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 确认classpath中是否包含...
flink-table-planner_2.12 改成这个(此答案整理自Flink CDC 社区)
Flink 1.9 Table 架构 在Flink Table 的新架构中,有两个查询处理器:Flink Query Processor 和 Blink Query Processor,分别对应两个Planner,我们称之为 Old Planner 和 Blink Planner。查询处理器是 Planner 的具体实现, 通过parser(解析器)、optimizer(优化器)、codegen(代码生成技术)等流程将 Table API & SQL作业...
Flink 1.14.3版本,pom引入如下: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> <artifactId>flink-table-planner_2.11</artifactId> <version>${flink.version}</version> </dependency> Flink 1.15.0版本,pom引入如下: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> ...
抄送: "User" <user@flink.apache.org> 发送时间: 星期日, 2022年 5 月 08日 下午 3:50:33 主题: Re: Unable to start sql-client when putting flink-table-planner_2.12-1.15.0.jar to lib folder Thanks Yuxia, that works. Does that mean for one flink distribution, I can ...
What is the purpose of the change Set +I to data when restoring in values KeyedUpsertingSinkFunction Brief change log Set +I to data when restoring in values KeyedUpsertingSinkFunction Add tests ...