1.3 createRemoteEnvironment 返回集群执行环境,将Jar提交到远程服务器。需要在调用时指定JobManager的IP和端口号,并指定要在集群中运行的Jar包。 val env = ExecutionEnvironment.createRemoteEnvironment("jobmanager-hostname", 6123,"C://jar//flink//wordcount.jar") 1. 二、Source 2.1 从集合读取数据 // 定义...
done < <(find "$FLINK_LIB_DIR" ! -type d -name '*.jar' -print0 | sort -z) if [[ "$FLINK_DIST" == "" ]]; then # write error message to stderr since stdout is stored as the classpath (>&2 echo "[ERROR] Flink distribution jar not found in $FLINK_LIB_DIR.") # exit ...
提交Flink作业时,还需要提供该作业的依赖项。在本例中为数据流sdk jar。可以使用shade plugin创建具有...
I'm trying to deploy a Flink stateful function as a flink jar and I followed the instruction here <https://github.com/apache/flink-statefun>. However I'm getting the error saying that the program entry point class was not found in the jar even after I added the dependency in my pom....
异常:本地使用connector依赖开发Datastream作业过程中,出现类似java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.alibaba.ververica.connectors.hologres.binlog.source.reader.HologresBinlogRecordEmitter的异常 可能原因:阿里云实时计算Flink版的商业版连接器JAR包中不提供部分运行类。
异常:本地使用connector依赖开发Datastream作业过程中,出现类似java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.alibaba.ververica.connectors.hologres.binlog.source.reader.HologresBinlogRecordEmitter的异常 可能原因:阿里云实时计算Flink版的商业版连接器JAR包中不提供部分运行类。
Check whether the deployment is a JAR deployment or an SQL deployment. For a JAR deployment, check whether the Kafka dependency in the Project Object Model (POM) file is a built-in dependency of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink. If the Kafka dependency in the POM file is the dependency...
java命令,程序也可以执行啊?怎么java -jar就不行了呢? 解决办法就是,修改MANIFEST文件。 然后...
For how to specify the connector JAR in PyFlink jobs, you can refer to thedependency managementpage of official PyFlink documentation. Q2: ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o13.execute. : org.apache.flink.runtime.clien...
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.facebook.fb303.FacebookService$Iface 将libfb303-0.9.2.jar复制到flink安装路径lib目录下,接着又来一个错误: ava.lang.LinkageError: ClassCastException: attempting to castjar:file:/data/flink-1.10.0/flink-alter-price-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/javax/ws/rs...