windowseatflyerID 49 flights 41 domestic 8 international 48,522 km 30,150 miles 1.2x around Earth 0.13x to the moon 0.00032x to the sun 1.2x around Earth 88 h 29 min 3.7 days 0.5 weeks 0.12 months 0.01 years 0.5 weeks 6.9 tons CO2 0.33 kg methane 0.27 kg nitrous oxide Class...
and so the difference which is easiest to recognize is that the Embraer E190 over-wing exit door is 11 windows from the front door, whereas on the E195 it’s 12.
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微软测试Update Stack Packages 进一步改善Windows 11升级体验 微软宣布启用 Update Stack Packages 方式,进一步改善 Windows 设备的升级体验。服务栈负责安装操作系统更新的 Windows 部分,而微软会定期发布新的服务堆栈更新,从而改善 Windows Update 的升级。目前,这种新方法只适用于 Dev 渠道中少量用户。微软解释说:“目前...
2388元!联想Chromebook Duet 11发布:联发科838芯片 谷歌与联想合作推出的ChromebookDuet11已经正式上市,笔记本搭载了联发科Kompanio838芯片,起售价为339.99美元。ChromebookDuet11的主要配置包括11英寸2K触控显示屏,16:10的屏幕比例,以及前后摄像头分别为500万像素和800万像素。这款设备以其出色的性能和便携性,有望吸引学生... telnet <host> <port> Where <host> can be: localhost and port (divided by a space, no other character like : ) - as listed in port table for common ports ...
Almost every time I fly nok air there will be a delay and the cabin is ok but I saw on a lot of windows there are big scratches on the window khunpaul3 2 posts 2 years ago It was a pleasant flight to fly on Nok Air because Thai Airways was no longer flying on domestic flights...
Asiana was on my good side, but this flight was just... HORRIBLE. We got delayed on landing and most passengers on the flight had a connection. All of us ran off the plane ASAP and to find out a lot of us had missed out connections. Seoul/Incheon is also badly designed for foreign...
反“孔”精英来了:努比亚Z70 Ultra宣布11月21日发布 努比亚Z70Ultra将于11月21日14:00发布,官方号称是反孔”精英,目前已经公布了屏幕规格。该机将搭载行业唯一的1.5K真全面无孔屏,尺寸为6.85英寸,PPI达到430,是目前屏下方案最高像素密度,清晰度远超以往。成片能够完美呈现出昆虫的身体细节,就连绒毛都纤毫毕...
在SteamDeck掌机上运行Windows11相对轻松,但要让其成功搭载黑苹果”系统则颇具挑战性。有博主勇于尝试,将macOS15Sequoia安装到了SteamDeck上。在Mac苹果机上安装原版Mac系统的则被称为白苹果”。 SteamDeckmacOS 1月前 AI安全新突破!阿里云实现Confidential AI全栈覆盖 ...