提供App 內購買 截圖 iPhone iPad 簡介 航機要飛往哪裡?無論您是航空愛好者、常行旅客、機師還是機組人員,FlightAware 都是您必備的應用程式。您可以實時追蹤頭頂上空以至世界各地的航機,輕鬆緊貼航班狀態、了解入境航機有否延誤、查看天氣雷達,並設定提醒以就任何變動索取通知,一切費用全免!
Airplane & flight tracker FlightAware 4.7 • 33 個評分 免費 提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPhone iPad 描述 航機要飛往哪裡?無論您是航空愛好者、常行旅客、機師還是機組人員,FlightAware 都是您必備的應用程式。您可以實時追蹤頭頂上空以至世界各地的航機,輕鬆緊貼航班狀態、了解入境航機有否延誤、查看天氣雷達...
App 隐私 开发者“FlightAware”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。 用于追踪你的数据 以下数据可能会用于在其他公司的 App 和网站中追踪你: 用户内容 标识符 诊断 与你关联的数据 开发者可能会收集以下数据,且数据与你的身份关联: ...
免費 提供App 內購買 截圖 iPhone iPad 簡介 航機要飛往哪裡?無論您是航空愛好者、常行旅客、機師還是機組人員,FlightAware 都是您必備的應用程式。您可以實時追蹤頭頂上空以至世界各地的航機,輕鬆緊貼航班狀態、了解入境航機有否延誤、查看天氣雷達,並設定提醒以就任何變動索取通知,一切費用全免! 免費功能: ▶ ...
Whether you’re an aviation enthusiast, a frequent traveler, a pilot, or part of a flight crew, FlightAware is a must-have app. Track planes in real-time above your head, or all over the world. Easily track the status of your flight, check for any delays on the inbound aircraft, see...
Whether you’re an aviation enthusiast, a frequent traveler, a pilot, or part of a flight crew, FlightAware is a must-have app. Track planes in real-time above your head, or all over the world. Easily track the status of your flight, check for any delays on the inbound aircraft, ...
Whether you’re an aviation enthusiast, a frequent traveler, a pilot, or part of a flight crew, FlightAware is a must-have app. Track planes in real-time above your head, or all over the world. Easily track the status of your flight, check for any delays on the inbound aircraft, ...
Apple 商店 Mac iPad iPhone Watch AirPods 家居 娱乐 配件 技术支持0+ App Store 预览 FlightAware 当前没有可供使用的 App。Copyright © 2025 Apple Inc. 保留所有权利。 互联网服务条款 App Store 与隐私 Cookie 警告 支持 更多选购方式:查找你附近的 Apple Store 零售店及更多门店,或者致电 400-666-...
Whether you’re an aviation enthusiast, a frequent traveler, a pilot, or part of a flight crew, FlightAware is a must-have app. Track planes in real-time above your head, or all over the world. Easily track the status of your flight, check for any delays on the inbound aircraft, ...
Whether you’re an aviation enthusiast, a frequent traveler, a pilot, or part of a flight crew, FlightAware is a must-have app. Track planes in real-time above your head, or all over the world. Easily track the status of your flight, check for any delays on the inbound aircraft, see...