W&B: An operational CG margin is considered now to avoid extreme CG values when loading the aircraft. SIM: ATC will now know about your planned cruise altitude and will assign you a flight level accordingly. CHECKLISTS: Fixed bug where checklists that only contain closed loop items would som...
Departing picturesque Zagorje in Slovenia and arriving into Klagenfurt in Austria, A330 Driver shows off the new changes brought in Sim Update 14. We really enjoyed this stunning VFR trip through Europe, and we hope it’s inspired you to visit these beautiful locations in the simulator. Thank ...
allanglen / c172-flight-sim-panel Star 122 Code Issues Pull requests Cessna 172 Skyhawk flight simulator panel aviation arduino hardware electronics cad flight-simulator diy maker cockpit 3d-printing x-plane arduino-mega laser-cutting instrument-panel cessna simpit Updated Jul 14, 2018 bhowi...
最新的 Microsoft Flight Simulator 开发人员问答会议昨晚举行,持续了一个多小时,一些不同项目的新细节浮出水面。 其中包括 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024、Sim Update 16、新飞机等。 我们已尽力在下面回顾讨论中的要点。 杰恩和常驻嘉宾乔格、塞巴斯蒂安和马夏尔一起轮流回答问题或深入了解他们的专业领域。 模拟更新...
最新的 Sim 更新添加了 SimBrief 与 787 的 EFB 集成以及…… Sim Update 13现已可供那些希望在正式发布之前试用的用户下载。 Sim Update 13 一直被认为是模拟器的一个相当重要的更新,特别是对于航空电子设备和飞机而言。但它不仅仅如此,还对 UI 进行了额外的更改,修复了各种 SDK 和 API 元素等等。此新更新...
尽管Microsoft Flight Simulator很宏伟,但遇到一些严重的技术问题并不陌生。Asobo 在 2020 年(甚至是 2021 年的一半)中花费了很大一部分时间,试图为其配备必要的优化和错误修复。很长一段时间以来,情况基本都还好。但是现在,在最近发布的Microsoft Flight Simulator Sim Update 9之后,一些严重的错误再次出现。
Now in version, Microsoft Flight Simulator has received the official Sim Update VIII. Asoboi Studio added an “optional propeller simulation system with hundreds of moving surfaces covering the propeller realistically simulated has been implemented on 3 planes Cessna 152, Cessna 208 B ...
$ flightsim --help AlphaSOC Network Flight Simulator™ (https://github.com/alphasoc/flightsim) flightsim is an application which generates malicious network traffic for security teams to evaluate security controls (e.g. firewalls) and ensure that monitoring tools are able to detect malicious tra...
An here below you have a stunning video choosed by Microsoft and ASOBO This video was taken using this stunning addons: –FlightControlReplay -GSX Pro -FSLTL; -Forest Enhanced -Navigraph -Hayes Sim Ground Textures –FS Realistic +3
可以先看 Microsoft Flight Simulator X For Pilots 的部分章节了解基本概念,碰到不懂的地方再查阅对应的 IVAO 文档和 FAA 手册(开自动驾驶边飞边看几个小时就看完了)。 IVAO 训练文档(阿呆指南)VFR ProceduresIFR Procedures(进场离场等程序)Charts and Interpretation(航图图解) FAA 手册(扩展阅读)Airplane Flying ...