Microsoft Flight Simulator XIt's the next best thing to being up there§§Why use Microsoft Flight Simulator for real-world flight training? Because it gives you the best possible head start and enables you to learn at your convenience. Flight Simulator provides scenario-based training that lets...
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微软模拟飞行(MicrosoftFlight Simulator,简称MSFS或FS)是一个能在微软视窗操作系统运行的飞行模拟器。作为一个能在家中运行的飞行模拟器,这款真实感很强的游戏充满了挑战性,为梦想成为飞行员的人们,提供了逼真的飞行模式操作体验。一、必备飞行常识 微软模拟飞行涉及的知识很多,但从实用角度出发,对于初学者来说,有一...
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I had no idea that so much work went into Flight Simulator, and I even had an early version in the mid-late 80's running in the family's IBM PCjr and have been following the development of it ever since. If you don't have the latest copy, then please check it out at: https:/...
Flight Simulator 2004 rocks (part 1) 项目 2004/10/24 I suspect I’ll post on FS 2004 multiple times, hence the "part 1" in the title. It really deserves attention, this thing is cool. And that’s coming from a guy who owned zero video games a couple of days ago (I have ...
Download Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 - Saab 2000 v1.1. Released to great fanfare late last year, version 1.0 of the...
Flight Simulator 2004 の動的な天気予報機能は、雲のフォーメーション、降水の frontal、およびシステムの移動に影響します。Flight Simulator で利用できる天気予報機能とその使用方法の詳細については、Microsoft Flight Simulator のコピーに付属しているオンライン...