小提示:如果新建完成后忘了命名了,可以右键点击刚刚新建的项,选择删除,再新建并命名。 5.双击新建的【FlightSettingsMaxPauseDays】项进入编辑状态,点击【十进制】,在【数值数据】输入自己想暂停系统更新的时长(单位:天),比如5000,点击【确定】: 6.关闭注册表编辑器,打开【设置】,点击【更新和安全】,点击【高级选...
1. 打开注册表 使用命令win+r,打开运行框,然后输入regedit,敲回车进去。 可以看到以下界面 依次点击 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft WindowsUpdate UX Settings 2. 新建可选项 在右方空白页面,点击右键,新建DWORD(32位)值(D) 3. 重命名 需要将其名称改为FlightSettingsMaxPauseDays 4. 配置时间 双击Flight...
先打开“注册表编辑器”,依次打开下方路径:计算机 -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> WindowsUpdate -> UX -> Settings 右键新增,选择“DWORD(32位)值(D)”选项,参数信息如下:名称:FlightSettingsMaxPauseDays 类型:DWORD 基数:十进制 值:最大暂停天数如3000 保存后,打开“windows...
如何关闭电脑系统自动更新 注册表名FlightSettingsMaxpauseDays#电脑知识 #教程来了 #玩机技巧 #计算机 #电脑好像有情绪了 - 抽象派剪辑设计师于20250131发布在抖音,已经收获了1240个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
ESC pauses the sim, OK, but it does NOT pause time of day. So if it’s sunset, you pause and go to dinner; when you come back to your flight, it’s dark! In FSX/P3D, you could go to the map and get info on distant airports (like elevation and runway numbers). If you can...
Hello, I have a problem now with the PMDG 737NGXu that I reinstalled. I have spent days trying to get the Honeycomb Bravo Flap Axis #6 to work correctly. I bought the ProDesk Sim 737 hardware accompaniment. I simply cannot get the axis for detentes to wo
around. Once you learn to hold your head steady when you want to, you can dispense with the PAUSE key, but it's always there to aid you. Note that if the default PAUSE key conflicts with something else that is assigned to that key, you can change it to something that does not ...
{PAUSE_TOGGLE}- 2=PA,1,C66653,0 -{VIEW_COCKPIT_FORWARD}- 3=PA,2,C66654,0 -{VIEW_VIRTUAL_COCKPIT_FORWARD}- 4=PA,4,C65906,0 -{PANEL_1}- 5=PA,3,C66482,0 -{TOGGLE_WATER_RUDDER}- 6=PA,5,C65567,0 -{VIEW_MODE}- 7=PC,12,K112,11 -{Key press: ctl+shft+F1}- 8=PC,0...
The article's first page has a showcase gallery full of stunning images, all captured on my testing PC, but the gallery directly above this paragraph is all about comparing "low" to "max" settings so that you can get a sense of how the game will scale on a variety of PCs. In...
1. Not sure about the "camera system," but I already make screenshots free of clutter: I disable the onscreen flight parameters in Settings. The screenshot in my post, of course, has no clutter. I was just saying it would be nice if I could have the data in tiny letters at top of...