Call and activate any custom cockpit camera, smartcam or other default MSFS / P3D camera by choosing a keyboard shortcut ! Setup the keyboard shortcut, that you configured in “MSFS Controls section”, inside the CameraChange Dialog and this will be be triggered at the chosen frame. When ...
whether it be from the shortcut or from the MS Store. A black box fills the screen, with a white border (not writing or text on it) two seconds later... FS has stopped working etc. I was up last night until 2am, reinstalling Windows 10.. updating..reinstalling MSFS. I’ve...
Many users have expressed frustration over the MSFS user interface (UI). The UI can be clunky and difficult to use compared to other sims. Seemingly standard functions, such as replay mode, aren’t fully implemented or are buggy. This hampers its usefulness as a flight training tool. Expect...
Keyboard shortcut to toggle Screen Narrator on/off has been added Control Options menu stops reset to top when assigning a button. “Set Departure”, “Set arrival” & “Zoom to Details” are now appearing when Airport Icon is clicked ...
In the MATLAB Command Window, selectShortcutsand clickNew Shortcut. TheShortcut Editordialog opens. Set theLabel,Callback,Category, andIconfields as shown in this figure. ClickSave. TheFlightGearbutton appears in your MATLAB desktop. If you click it, the output file, for examplerunfg.bat, ...
timescale window shortcut: u compiled on Unity 2019.4.23f1 1.704 (05.03.2021) new fixed-wing model: Pinkus-Export 0,78m (free download plan at compiled on Unity 2019.4.21f1, which fixes rare startup problems. fixed-wing models: Depending on the model, aileron...
Holes in the cockpit around the doors and windows have been fixed CIRRUS SR22 Navigation lights has been added on the wings Flickering on the screens of instruments when camera is far from the plane has been fixed WORLD New vegetation debug tool for trees & vegetation with drawing distances ...
shortcutFolderName: "INAV", manufacturer: "The INAV open source project", appUserModelId: "com.inav.configurator", icon: path.join(__dirname, "./assets/windows/inav_installer_icon.ico"), upgradeCode: "13606ff3-b0bc-4dde-8fac-805bc8aed2f8", ui : { enabled: false, chooseDirectory: tr...
Fixed a silent crash when launching the title directly from the shortcut without having the Steam client open Fixed missing legs in the bush trip briefing screen when the user had a save from a previous update Fixed missing text for “Delete from Xbox Cloud stora...
os:windows10 隐藏回复 3 8 几年前 John Dale I have the same problem.. Help me!!! 隐藏回复 2 7 几年前 PaRaDoXoS ZERO this 7 几年前 NowJoJo Same here... 8 几年前 Sven Lichtenberg if i open the short cut it opens steam shop ...