or a government/intelligence insider, and have come in possession of information that definitely reveal MH370’s whereabouts, you could be eligible for a reward of up to $5 million,thanks to a fundraiserset up by friends and families of the victims. But be warned that any communication with ...
PARIS— The Boeing 777 wing part found on the remote Indian Ocean island of La Reunion is from missing flight MH370, French authorities said Thursday after almost one month of forensic analysis. Investigators were finally able to match a serial number on the flaperon, which washed shore on th...
MH370 still not found has become national trauma AirAsia’s disappearance came in the wake of another air tragedy: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. That flight went missing in March, and 239 passengers and crew were aboard. MH370 has not yet been found, despite a massive search. The ...
Email|Print|Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit BEIJING, April 24 -- China will continue its efforts in searching for the missing flightMH370, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Thursday.In response to a media question about when China will end its search for the plane,spo...
Email|Print|Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit EditedandtranslatedbyDuMingming,People'sDailyOnline MalaysianPrimeMinisterNajibRazaksaidduringapressconferenceinKualaLumpur,Malaysia,on24March2014,thatnewanalysisofsatellitedatasuggestedthatthemissingMalaysiaAirlinesFlightMH370 "terminated"inthesouthernIndianOc...
BEIJING, March 16 -- Most of the family members of the 154 Chinese on board the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 chose to continue to wait in Beijing on Sunday. While meeting the family members on Sunday morning, the Malaysian Airlines promised to continue providing accommodation for the...