Flight Attendant06/2014 - 12/2017 Southwest Airlines Phoenix, AZ • Provided high-quality customer service, ensuring passenger comfort and satisfaction on domestic flights. • Assisted in the development of an in-flight entertainment system, enhancing passenger experience. • Participated in emergenc...
Excellent Airline - Best in the World Flight Attendant(离职员工)-Atlanta, GA-2025年1月29日 Being a Delta Air Lines Flight Attendant is one of the very best jobs because of the job perks, company benefits and outstanding training.You have the opportunity to see the world. ...
As of June 25, 2019, the below listed airlines are actively engaged in flight attendant hiring, are conducting flight attendant open house interviews and/or are accepting resumes/applications. This flight attendant jobs update is posted weekly, so be sure to visit the AirlineCareer.com Blog often!
Flight attendants work evenings, weekends, and holidays, because airlines operate every day and have overnight flights. Attendants work in aircraft and may be away from home several nights per week. Most have variable schedules. How to Become a Flight Attendant Flight attendants receive initial trai...
ACRO SPORT - Acro Sport Inc (United States) AD AEROSPACE - AD Aerospace Ltd (United Kingdom) ADA - Aeronautical Development Agency (India) ADAM (1) - Roger Adam (France) ADAM (2) - Adam Aircraft Industries LLC (United States) ADAMS - Adams Industries Inc (United States) ...
Wheelchair Attendant(离职员工)-Greensboro, NC-2017年7月11日 This Job is good for students and people seeking extra spending money. the work pace can be a little hectic if your aren't good at time management. I wouldn't recommend it to a full-time job seeker. ...
Flight Attendant Jobs – Open House Interviews As of June18, 2018, the below listed airlines are actively engaged in flight attendant hiring, are conducting flight attendant open house interviews and/or are accepting resumes/applications. This flight attendant jobs update is posted weekly, so be su...