Flickr30K Entities: Collecting Region-to-Phrase Correspondences for Richer Image-to-Sentence Models Bryan A. Plummer1 Liwei Wang1 Christopher M. Cervantes1 Juan C. Caicedo2 Julia Hockenmaier1 Svetlana Lazebnik1 1University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 2Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz The ...
Flickr30k Entities: Collecting Region-to-Phrase Correspondences for Richer Image-to-Sentence Models. International Journal of Computer Vision, 123:74-93, 2017.B. A. Plummer, L. Wang, C. M. Cervantes, J. C. Caicedo, J. Hockenmaier, and S. Lazebnik. Flickr30k entities: Col- lecting ...
The Flickr30K Entities dataset is an extension to the Flickr30K dataset. It augments the original 158k captions with 244k coreference chains, linking mentions of the same entities across different captions for the same image, and associating them with 27
The Flickr30k dataset has become a standard benchmark for sentence-based image description. This paper presents Flickr30k Entities, which augments the 158k captions from Flickr30k with 244k coreference chains linking mentions of the same entities in images, as well as 276k manually annotated boundi...
IntJComputVis DOI10.1007/s11263-016-0965-7 Flickr30kEntities:CollectingRegion-to-PhraseCorrespondences forRicherImage-to-SentenceModels BryanA.Plummer 1 ·LiweiWang 1 ·ChrisM.Cervantes 1 ·JuanC.Caicedo 2 · JuliaHockenmaier 1 ·SvetlanaLazebnik 1 Received:7April2016/Accepted:7October2016 ©Spring...
Processing data produced by flickr30k_entities to use as regional description for densecap model python json image-captioning h5 densecap flickr30k regional-description Updated Nov 11, 2022 Python spoortimorabad / ImageCaptioningGeneration-Using-Swin-Transformer-and-GRU-attention-Mechansim Star 0 ...
Flickr30K Entities Dataset Version 1.0 Coreference Chains: Bounding Boxes or Scene/No Box: Unrelated Captions: Dataset Splits: Matlab Interface Python Interface Acknowledgements: Flickr30K Entities Dataset If you use our dataset, please cite ourpaper: ...
Flickr30K-Entities[29].Theresultsshowthatourmethoderation)contributestoimproveVQAaccuracyandalsoun- outperformspreviousonesthataretrainedonindividualderstandingofinctionsamongimages,questions,and tasksanddatasets.Wealsovisualizetheinternalbehavioursanswers.Althoughtheseworkshavedemonstratedthepo- ...
Flickr30K Entities Dataset (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 Delphi通过向导可以非常迅速和方便的直接建立实现COM对象 2024-12-13 19:01:19 积分:1 Windows TCP shutdown audio service TCP消息关机服务 2024-12-13 19:01:04 积分:1 beanstalkd-win 2024-12-13 19:00:26 ...
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