5.页面自动跳入flickr登陆页面,在屏幕左边有一下字样: Activate a new Flickr account Choose your screen name 让你输入你的昵称 下面有一个方框,里面填着你的用户名,这个是可以该的,比如填:飞天肥狗狗 6.注册彻底完成!如图: 点击:Upload some photos 就可以上传图片啦! 二 上传图片: 上传少量图片 1.如图界面...
How can I bring my account back into compliance with new limits? How to locate non-public and/or moderate or restricted content on your Flickr account If you have more than 50 non-public photos on your account,here’s how to change your privacy settings. ...
How can I bring my account back into compliance with new limits? How to locate non-public and/or moderate or restricted content on your Flickr account If you have more than 50 non-public photos on your account,here’s how to change your privacy settings. ...
你可以修改自己的设置,隐藏或显示自己的EXIF.具体在:任何Flickr页面下方浅蓝色框内"Your Account---Account page---粉红色字Privacy Settings---Your privacy"来修改 如果想看别人或自己图片的大格式,请点图片上方,标题下方的”all sizes”.但如果别人更改了自己的图片权限格式,你就看不到大的图片了. 如果你不想...
你可以修改自己的设置,隐藏或显示自己的EXIF.具体在:任何Flickr页面下方浅蓝色框内"Your Account---Account page---粉红色字Privacy Settings---Your privacy"来修改 如果想看别人或自己图片的大格式,请点图片上方,标题下方的”all sizes”.但如果别人更改了自己的图片权限格式,你就看不到大的图片了. 如果你不想...
Suggest new features Get your new features implemented sooner Personal Support Private Members Forum What Do You Want To Do? Install Slickr Flickr Configure Slickr Flickr Admin Settings Use Slickr Flickr to Create a Slideshow or Gallery See Examples of Slickr Flickr Slideshows In Action ...
Social Login with Flickr Account and Create new Applications and Configuring in miniOrange Social Login Plugin with Credentials AppID and App secret.
Flickr flickr =newFlickr(ApiKey, SharedSecret); frob = flickr.AuthGetFrob(); AuthUrl = flickr.AuthCalcUrl(frob, AuthLevel.Write); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(AuthUrl); } 开发者ID:adamlamers,项目名称:Clipboard-Manager,代码行数:7,代码来源:FlickrManager.cs ...
I had a Flickr account 2 years ago. I forgot the password. Then I opened another new Flickr account. But yesterday I recovered my old one. I've some old precious photos on that account and the original copies do not exist on my hard drive and have a large amount of likes and comment...
Yahoo updated its Flickr app for iOS, introducing a new interface and Instagram-like photo filters. See how the new Flickr for iPhone works.