Albums: To keep your photo collections nice and neat, organize them into albums. You can share entire albums with friends. Stats : Use Flickr's unique Organizr tool to edit your photos and arrange them just the way you want. Flickr is also one of the best places to go tofind photos wi...
Flickr has two operational plans - free and paid plans. On the free plan, we get a lot of ads and there is a limit on uploading the photographs. So, users who have a large portfolio of photographs and want to add a large number of images to their collections will have to opt for ...
// BEGIN fpm links to photostream and profile pages - WORKING for USER COLLECTIONS but NOT PROFILE ??? function addfpmtophotostreamandprofileheader() { dasec=document.getElementsByClassName("cover-photo-holder"); // dasec=document.getElementsByClassName("avatar"); if(dasec[0]) { pmsp=documen...
This includes other people’s photos, video and/or stuff you’ve collected from around the Internet. Accounts that consist primarily of such collections may be terminated at any time.” Fair enough. If Flickr has made this amply clear in their guidelines, then their action to terminate Sh�...