Plants and animals detect the presence of potential pathogens through the perception of conserved microbial patterns by cell surface receptors. Certain solanaceous plants, including tomato, potato and pepper, detect flgII-28, a region of bacterial flagel
Plants and animals detect the presence of potential pathogens through the perception of conserved microbial patterns by cell surface receptors. Certain solanaceous plants, including tomato, potato and pepper, detect flgII-28, a region of bacterial flagel
While animals recognize a relatively large region of FliC, most plants recognize one or two short epitopes of FliC: flg22 and flgII-28. However, since most research in plants has focused on flg22 and flgII-28 and not the actual FliC protein, the importance of any FliC region beyond the...
Natural variation in heirloom tomatoes for reactive oxygen species (ROS) production upon exposure to flg22, flgII-28, and csp22.Selvakumar, Veluchamy