EIZO 艺卓 FlexScan 超薄显示器 EV2456-WT爆料人: 牛牛2121 23-11-24发布 售价3996.13元,近期好价,喜欢的关注 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付4513.97元 电脑数码实时好价排行 百亿补贴、今日必买:CukTech 酷态科 10号氮化镓充电器120W快充单体版 +收纳袋 ¥119 拼多多 ¥81.74 ...
White cables come bundled with the white cabinet; and black cables with the black cabinet version of the FlexScan EV2456. Additionally the optional Cable Cover removes the potential eyesore of tangled cables by holding them neatly behind the stand. Work Better New Stand Design The EV2456 comes ...