European Journal of Plastic SurgeryA. Fette and J. Mayr, Hand and finger sonography in suppurative flexor tenosynovialitis in children, European Journal of Plastic Surgery b25/b (2002), 139-142.A. Fette,J. Mayr.Hand and finger sonography in suppurative flexor tenosynovitis in children[J]. ...
A case report of flexor tenosynovitis of the right ring finger in a 27-year-old black woman leading to the diagnosis of sarcoidosis is presented. Sarcoidosis of a flexor tendon sheath is rare. Flexor tenosynovectomy provided material for histologic diagnosis and increased the function of the ...
- 《Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine Official Journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine》 被引量: 18发表: 1997年 Isolated tuberculous tenosynovitis of the flexor tendon of the fourth finger of the hand. Case report. A 21-year-old woman presented with a painful swelling of ...
Feng W. Treatment of stenosing tenosynovitis of finger flexor tendon by lateral puncture method: A report of twenty-one cases. Journal of Acupunct Tuina Sci. 2005;3(5): 35-36.WANG Feng. Treatment of Stenosing Tenosynovitis of Finger Flexor Tendon by Lateral Puncture Method: A Report of Term...
tomoderatetenosynovitisofthelongfingerflexortendonwas noted(Figure2).Nobonyinjurywasidentified. DISCUSSION Teflexorpulleysystemiscomposedoffocalthickened areasoftheflexortendonsheath(1).Itconsistsoffiveannular pulleys(A1–A5)andthreecruciatepulleys(C1–C3),which ...
It was found that the female gender is the most frequently affected during the sixth decade of life in 46%. The most frequently affected finger is the third, affects the right hand in 44% and both hands in 29%. 91% of the patients received a first infiltration and only 31% of these ...
An ultrasound was performed. This showed soft tissue swelling with no collection. On examination of the hand by us he had three of the classical findings of flexor tenosynovitis (finger held in flexion, tenderness on flexor sheath and severe pain on passive extension). Repeat radiograph of the ...
Tenosynovitis: Trigger Finger, de Quervain Syndrome, Flexor Carpi Radialis, and Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/B978-0-323-02769-4.50018-4Ioannis Sarris *Nickolaos A. Darlis *Douglas MusgraveDean G. SotereanosCore Knowledge in Orthopaedics: Hand, Elbow, and Shoulder...
Treatment of Stenosing Tenosynovitis of Finger Flexor Tendon by Lateral Puncture Method: A Report of Termyu-one Cases 腱鞘炎针刺疗法恢刺在掌指关节附近找出最痛点,皮肤常规消毒后,快速进针,得气后,嘱患者活动患指,然后变换针刺方向,应用本法治疗21例屈指肌腱狭窄性腱鞘炎,结果治愈7例,好转12例,未愈2例,总...
Treatment of Stenosing Tenosynovitis of Finger Flexor Tendon by Lateral Puncture Method: A Report of Termyu-one Cases 腱鞘炎针刺疗法恢刺TenosynovitisAcupuncture TherapyLateral Puncture在掌指关节附近找出最痛点,皮肤常规消毒后,快速进针,得气后,嘱患者活动患指,然后变换针刺方向,应用本法治疗21例屈指肌腱狭窄性...