In case of failure of conservative treatment surgical options include flexor digitorum longus transfer and medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy. This procedure reveals good functional results with the restoration of single heel rise.doi:10.1016/j.fuspru.2014.01.002Schuh, Reinhard...
The meaning of FLEXOR DIGITORUM BREVIS is a muscle of the middle part of the sole of the foot that flexes the second phalanx of each of the four small toes.
Flexor Digitorum Longus Transfer for Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction is the Standard of Care: Does the Evidence Support It? Category: Basic Sciences/Biologics; Hindfoot; Other Introduction/Purpose: Flexor digitorum longus (FDL) transfer, in conjunction with osseous procedures, i... S Dooley,TW ...
As the flexor digitorum longus originates not only on the body of the tibia bone but also on the fascia of the tibialis posterior — the sheath of fibrous tissue enveloping the muscle — and as its tendon runs concurrently with that of the tibialis posterior across the ankle joint, it becom...
美 英 un.趾长屈肌 英汉 un. 1. 趾长屈肌
(redirected fromFlexor digitorum longus) Acronyms flex·or di·gi·to·rum lon·gus mus·cle (fleks'ŏr dij-i-tō'rŭm long'gŭs mŭs'ĕl) Origin, middle third of posterior surface of tibia;insertion, by four tendons, perforating those of the flexor brevis, into bases of distal pha...
An accessory flexor digitorum longus muscle associated with a high division of the tibial nerve was encountered during routine dissection in the right leg of a newborn cadaver. The tibial nerve divided into its two terminal branches at a higher level than normal with a small branch from the tib...
This was in the form of a slender, 38mm long muscular slip, with a proximal and distal tendon extending from the common flexor digitorum longus tendinous plate out to the distal phalanx of the fifth toe. An associated finding was the absence of the musculotendinous portion of the flexor ...
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