When running a diagnostic by clicking the Perform Diagnostics button on the Server Diags tab in LMTOOLS, the following message appears: This license cannot be checked out because: A PACKAGE component must be specified. FlexNet Licensing e...
License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat; FlexNet Licensing error:-1,234 For further information, refer to the FlexNet Licensing documentation, available at "www.flexerasoftware.com". Could this be because my license has vesys version number 2018.06 but this is 2018.1? Licensi...
-6 许可文件中没有 TCP/IP 端口号,且 FLEXnet Licensing Service 不存在。(仅限 v6 之前的版本) -7 许可服务器管理器服务未连接任何套接字。 -8 许可密钥或签名无效(不一致)。该功能的许可密钥/签名和数据不匹配。更改许可文件时,通常会发生这种情况。 -9 无效主机。此系统的主机 ID 与在许可文件中指定的...
flexnet licensing error:-42,147,C#程序一直弹出这个错误,有谁知道怎么回事,指点一下啊? hsg77 c#爱好者 1 我也没有解决这个问题:同上提示信息为:Provide your license server administrator with the following infomation:Invalid parameter.License path:@RJB-SCSUP; FLEXnet Licensing error:-42,147 想换个名字...
You want information about common FlexNet® error codes and their meaning. The following articles address the most common FlexNet error conditions: "FlexNet Licensing error:-97,121" launching "Perform Status Enquiry" in LMTOOLS "A valid license could n
Error Code = -42 Invalid parameter. License path: @DESKTOP-XXXXX;【主机名脱敏】 FlexNet Licensing error:-42,147 ArcGIS for Desktop/Engine 10.2 cannot connect to previous versions of the ArcGIS License Manager. Please contact your organization's License Administrator to ensure that your License Mana...
每次一打开窗口就出问题,如果只编辑代码就正常 发自小木虫Android客户端
This is the error due to the so-called Options File restrictions that are created by your license server admin to allow only certain users to use this license (aa_t_a). Please contact your license server admin why you are not included on the list of user
56 Using a FlexNet ID Dongle for Mobile Licensing Using a FLOAT_OK License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 FLEXID with FLOAT_OK Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
2 of client machines showing FlexNet Licensing error:-125,147 For further information, refer to the FlexNet Licensing documentation, available at