1.你看看你的计算机名是不是英文的,ANSYS是不识别中文的。2.看flexlm server打开没有,在开始菜单里的程序里面找。
ANSYS WORKBENCH 新建Geometry时出现“Failover feature 'ANSYS BladeModeler' specified in license prefANSYS 也无法启动,“Failover feature 'ANSYS BladeModeler' specified in license prefernces is not available.FlEXlm server is not responding.R
I am running CCS v5 on a Linux box. I do not think I have a licenselocation.txt file. The other 2 entries are locked by eclipse. I think my FlexLM server is not responding, but I opened up port 27000:27009 so that should be OK but I ...
The license server system appears to be running, but is not responding. If this persists, notify the System Administrator. (The license server manager (lmgrd) and vendor daemon processes should be terminated and restarted.) Feature: quartus License path: 30000@EDI-DEVOPS-SVR...
However, when trying to connect to the license server using the same settings as Quartus 17.1 uses we get the following error: Warning (292000): FLEXlm software error: Cannot read data from license server system. The license server system appears to be running, but is not ...