Request flexible working from day one:With the previous Act, employees had to work a full 26 weeks (six months) for the employer before they could ask for flexible working conditions. With the Flexible Working (Amendment) Regulations, employees can request flexible working from day one of their...
•Part-time working: work is generally considered part-time when employers are contracted to work anything less than full-time hours.•Term-time working: a worker remains on a permanent contract but can take paid/unpaid leave during school holidays.•Job-sharing: a form of part-time ...
In some countries,like in the United Kingdom, all employees—not just parents or carers—have a legal right to request for a flexible working arrangement. This is called making a statutory application. In most cases, employees have to have been employed through their current employer for a cer...
This originally gave parents with a child aged under six (or parents of a disabled child under the age of eighteen) the right to request flexible working arrangements from their employer. This right to request has been extended: • from April 2007 to the carers of certain categories of ...
This decision is not binding and may be limited to its own facts. The judge said that the employee’s manager was an impressive witness and had genuinely considered the flexible working request rather than just following a policy. The judge also noted the detailed assessment of where the...