上图中主要解释了四个不太容易区分的参数,用户可以在指定这几个参数的基础上方便地实现H-Tree: 有了这些设置,就可以在几乎不需要手动工作的前提下实现H-Tree结构的时钟树。而以此方法实现的H-Tree,默认情况下在Skew、Latency、Clock Power以及其他方面与一般的H-Tree比较应该是没有什么区别的。实际上在现场也有演讲...
3. 上面的方式,在root和TAP之前没有没有其他buffer,这样会有tran的问题,或者后期需要手工加入buffer-tree,另一种更常用的方式就是采用 create_ccopt_flexible_htree synthesize_ccopt_flexible_htree 其结果如图右,和图左区别就是多了root到tap之间的buffer create_htree命令用于定义htree,只是定义,不会对插入任何b...
synthesize_ccopt_flexible_htrees H-tree效果如下图所示。 Clock Tree Debugger效果图如下。使用Flexible H-tree后clock tree的平均长度是1.25ns。 【思考题】测试时钟test_clk的clock tree长度是多少?它和主时钟长度的关系是什么?
3Hren / awesome-cpp 690130229 / awesome-cpp 8l / awesome-cpp a861123145 / awesome-cpp aa10000 / awesome-cpp aahuan / awesome-cpp-1 AbbieHU / awesome-cpp abbrous / awesome-cpp abhinav1592 / awesome-cpp abhishekgahlot / awesome-cpp abitduck / awesome-cpp ...
vMioeucshliatenriactaulrep,rtohepienrftluieesncoefoSf id3iNam4 NeteWr osnwtihtehmdeicffhearneicnatl diameters. According to the results of the pre- properties of NWs is very apparent44–46, while there advreieaym.nToehtreeerrpseofboryrtesu,ostinhnitgshHsetueefrdfteyzc'sattmotefomtdhpeet...
5d. After the second training process, the conductance of the selected e-synapses are further decreased, indicative of a deeper memory of the “H” image. Note that the conductance of one undesired e-synapse is also decreased due to the incorrect input signal in the second training process (...
Shachnai, H., Voloshin, A., Zaks, S. (2014). Flexible Bandwidth Assignment with Application to Optical Networks. In: Csuhaj-Varjú, E., Dietzfelbinger, M., Ésik, Z. (eds) Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2014. MFCS 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8635. Sp...
The Job Shop Scheduling problem is critical in the manufacturing industry. At present, the decision tree reasoning technique and data mining are often used in multi-objective optimization research to solve flexible job shop scheduling issues. Unfortunate
First, natural balsa wood slices (typical sample dimension: 30.0 mm × 30.0 mm × 1.5 mm) were immersed in a boiling mixed aqueous solution of 2.5 M NaOH and 0.4 M NaSO3for 7 h, followed by immersion in boiling DI water for several times to remove the chemi...
More importantly, this loop has been engineered by mutating it towards the equivalent loop of a thermostable orthologue, Thermus thermophilus, and the best variant, H192P, showed both improved activity and stability indicating the importance of thermally sensitive loops in regulating protein stability39...