align-self: auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch; } 若伸缩项目的任一个侧轴上的外边距为auto,则align-self没有效果。 如果align-self的值为auto,则其计算值为元素的父元素的align-items值,如果该元素没有父元素,则计算值为stretch。对齐属性值的定义如下: **flex-start:**伸缩...
8.3 Cross-axis Alignment: thealign-itemsandalign-selfproperties侧轴对齐(竖直方向) flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch 8.4 Packing Flex Lines:align-content堆栈伸缩行 与align-items 相似,不过不是对齐伸缩项目,它对齐的是伸缩行 flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | sp...
in this case */ align-items: center; /* center items horizontally, in this case */ height: 300px; } .box { width: 300px; margin: 5px; text-align: center; /* will center text in , which is not
So it makes sense to have a customizeable-per-item "align-self" in the cross axis (since each item is aligned separately, on its own), whereas it doesn't make sense in the main axis (since there, the items are aligned collectively). For multi-line flexbox, the ...
删除flex-direction:column 和max-width:500px 。给一些固定宽度,比如 100px,它会正常工作。 If you are using flex-direction:column use align-items:center property to horizontally center and justify-center if it is row . 原文由 Mr.Pandya 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 3.0 许可协议 有...
3行CSS代码: .container{display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center; } note: 1.设置container的display的类型为flex,激活为flexbox模式。 2.justify-content定义水平方向的元素位置 3.align-items定义垂直方向的元素位置 搞定。。。
Horizontally aligns items to center of container 代码语言:javascript 复制 .container{text-align:center;}.item{display:inline-block;} space-between Spaces items between start and end of container 代码语言:javascript 复制 .container{text-align:justify;}.container:after{content:'';display:inline-block;...
/* I needed to do this in IE10/11 to get it to horizontally center */ align-items:center; } ##Flexbox疑难点 ###轴方向(flex direction) 当对齐不发生任何作用时,很可能因为你把轴的flex-direction从row换成了column。align-items和justify-content也随着flex-direction发生旋转。我给所有东西加上边框...
placing a flex item in a corner .box { align-self: flex-end; justify-self: flex-end; } Center a flex item vertically and horizontally margin: auto is an alternative to justify-content: center and align-items: center. Instead of this code on the flex container: .container { justify-cont...
Welcome to Flexbox Froggy, a game where you help Froggy and friends by writing CSS code! Guide this frog to the lilypad on the right by using thejustify-contentproperty, which aligns items horizontally and accepts the following values: