The article reports on a structural and reverse flex in the Innovene loan of petroleum chemical firm Ineos as of January 27, 2006. Barclays and Citigroup are involved in the deal. Two dollar tranches of the deal will be applied with a soft-call prepayment structure. Price of the euro ...
eTahsusr,emthendti.sTtahnucse, gthiveednisbtyanthcee gseivnesnorbcyonthtreoslelenrsiosrncootnetxroalcltelry itshnatoftreoxmactthlye cthenatefrromf thtehesecnesnotreprloanf ethaelosnegnistosraxpilsatnoethaleobnagseitbsoarxdis. Ttohitshies tbhaesesobuoracred.ofTthhies pisrinthceipsaol uerr...