Flex item 1Flex item 2Flex item 3Flex item 1Flex item 2Flex item 3 flex-direction也存在响应式变化。 .flex-row .flex-row-reverse .flex-column .flex-column-reverse .flex-sm-row .flex-sm-row-reverse .flex-sm-column .
Direction Set the direction of flex items in a flex container with direction utilities. In most cases you can omit the horizontal class here as the browser default is row. However, you may encounter situations where you needed to explicitly set this value (like responsive layouts). Use .flex...
通过混合align-items,flex-direction: column和margin-top: auto或margin-bottom: auto,垂直移动一个伸缩项目到容器的顶部或底部。 Flex item Flex item Flex item Flex item Flex item Flex item Flex itemFlex itemFlex itemFlex item
Direction Set the direction of flex items in a flex container with direction utilities. In most cases you can omit the horizontal class here as the browser default isrow. However, you may encounter situations where you needed to explicitly set this value (like responsive layouts). ...
Bootstrap 框架 相信大家都用过 Bootstrap 框架,目前最受欢迎的响应式布局框架,在 Github 上 10w+ 的 star 而其中的栅格系统深入人心,针对不同尺寸的屏幕提供一套完整布局方案,不了解栅格系统的可以看中文官方文档栅格系统 对于新人概念有点多,跳跃性挺强,不过跟着跳转链接一步一步摸索很快就能入门,这里给的都是...
Flex item 3 Try it Yourself » Horizontal Direction Use.flex-rowto display the flex items horizontally (side by side). This is default. Tip:Use.flex-row-reverseto right-align the horizontal direction: Example Flex item 1 Flex item 2 Flex item 3...
ClassDescriptionExample Flex Container .d-*-flex Creates a flexbox container for different screens Try it .d-*-inline-flex Creates an inline flexbox container for different screens Try it Direction .flex-*-row Display flex items horizontally on different screens Try it .flex-*-row-...
栅格系统:栅格系统是一种将页面划分为多个网格列的布局方式,通过定义网格列数和间距来布局页面内容。栅格系统通常与媒体查询和流式布局结合使用,以实现在不同屏幕尺寸下的响应式布局。流行的栅格系统包括Bootstrap的栅格系统和Foundation的栅格系统。 本文主要介绍Flex布局 ...
(4)主体部分的右侧图片整体模块是一个弹性盒,伸缩换行(flex-wrap)为wrap,主轴的对齐方式为flex-start。 (5)使用弹性盒模型布局网页的尾部内容,伸缩流方向(flex-direction)为column,主轴的对齐方式和侧轴的对齐方式都是center。