Now, this is also easy enough to note in a systematic way. That same line that I could add to every monster stat block that lists the Morale Save DC could also list the monster’s behavior when its morale breaks. Morale:Wisdom save DC 17 or Panic Morale:Wisdom save DC 12 or Retreat ...
Flesh Golem Road Blocks: Normal:Block,Guard, Break Tackle /Grab/ Mighty Blow,Tackle/ Pro Doubles:Dodge Stat Increase: +ST +MV The first couple of skills on a Flesh Golem really pick themselves and as they skill up so slowly it isn’t uncommon for them to all to start life much the s...
#Conduit modifier boosts speed (percentage) when golem is in water #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 conduitBoostSpeed = 0.2 #Conduit modifier reduce damage taken when golem is in water (multiplicative) #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 conduitBoostReduction = 0.2 #Teleport max radius #Range: 1 ~ 32 teleportRadius ...