强烈推荐此MOD给所有太空游戏爱好者。顺便一提,此MOD的作者和现在的质量效应MOD的作者是同一人。MODDB地址:http://www.moddb.com/mods/freespacefleet-command度娘网盘下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2299265740&uk=1560843081 送TA礼物 1楼2013-07-11 11:04回复 ...
One of ONI's best kept secrets has been this ship; the Point of no Return. Although ONI has many facilities and bases, this ship is used by the top of ONI as a command ship and secure conference location. Only a handful of people know of this ship. Further information is classified. ...
Freespace: Fleet CommandHomeworld 2 mod | Released 2015 summary articles reviews files addons videos images FSFC gameplay is intended for a fast paced, competitive multiplayer format. Players take the side of Terran, Vasudan, or Shivan fleet commanders and attempt to dominate their opponent with ...
Tested Shared Android MODs Replies 4 Views 7K Jan 13, 2023 DisUnds D N Suggestion Open RequestWarship Fleet Command : WW2 Naval War Game Night12 May 9, 2021 ANDROID REQUEST SECTION Replies 2 Views 8K Jun 11, 2021 Lemomeme Broken LinkNaval Warship: Pacific Fleet (Early Access) Ver. 1.9 ...
About NEBULOUS: Fleet Command About this game Take command of a fleet of space warships tailored to your exact play style. Favour a small task group of robust, flexible multi-role combatants, a large group of specialized ships, or something in between. Do battle in a heavily simulation-based...
Nebulous heeft uitgebreide ondersteuning voor modding, met honderden door spelers gemaakte mods die beschikbaar zijn op Steam Workshop, waaronder nieuwe kaarten, schepen, wapens en meer. Wat zijn de systeemeisen? MINIMAAL OSWindows 10 Processor6 GB RAM Geheugen GTX1050 of gelijkwaardig Opslag2 GB ...
FLEET COMMAND ONLINE Tactical, beautiful, and wholly unique, the GOTY-winning sci-fi RTS returns with Homeworld 3. Assume control and battle through fleet combat in dazzling, fully 3D space while the award-winning story unfolds on a galactic scale. ...
PERMALINK: https://www.nexusmods.com/nebulousfleetcommand/about/stats#display=downloads&min=1104537600000&max=1737935675664&bh=ignore BROWSE: 1 year 1 month 1 week 1 day 1h 1h 1 day 1 week 1 month 1 year Files Mods 1 Downloadable files 1 Downloads 240 Unique downloads 223 Members...
Stellar Fleet Expansion is a great mod for anyone who wants to have an arsenal of ships at their command. The vanilla Starfield only allows the player to have 10 ships at the start. With this mod, the player can now have up to 50!!
Note: Vanilla doesn't use this (plain) command at all. Mods using this are e.q. "Aggressive Crisis Engine" and "A Deadly Tempest". Change fleet leader on army/transport fleets. As simple leader assign to transport fleets is not working (as to military fleets) and furthermore the docu...